UP Board Solutions for Class 12 English Figures of Speech

UP Board Solutions for Class 12 English Figures of Speech

UP Board Solutions for Class 12 English Figures of Speech are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 12 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 12 English Figures of Speech.

UP Board Solutions for Class 12 English Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech या ‘अलंकार’ शब्दों का ऐसा असाधारण प्रयोग है जो भाषा में सुन्दरता को पैदा करता है और उसके प्रभाव को और अधिक बढ़ाता है। मुख्य Figures of Speech की परिभाषाएँ एवं उदाहरण नीचे दिए गए हैं

(उपमा) [2012, 13, 14, 17, 18]

इसमें दो भिन्न-भिन्न समुदायों की दो भिन्न-भिन्न वस्तुओं में किसी समान गुण की तुलना की जाती है। इसमें like, such as, just as, as ………… as, so ………… as आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Definition : A simile expresses comparison between two unlike objects or events. Usually the comparison is expressed by using like, such as, just as, as………… as, so …………as.

Examples : 
1. I wandered lonely as a cloud. [2012, 15, 16, 18]
2. Childhood is like a sv.iftly passing dream.
3. Rana Pratap was as brave as a lion.
4. The lake was clear as a crystal.
5. Errors like stráws, upon the surface flow.
6. I could lie down like a tired child, and weep away the life of care.
उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों से स्पष्ट होता है कि Simile को पहचानने के लिए निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए

1. Simile कभी भी एक ही जाति यो समुदाय के दो व्यक्ति या वस्तुओं में नहीं होती, अपितु वे दोनों वस्तुएँ भिन्न-भिन्न जाति या समुदाय की होनी चाहिए। जैसे उदाहरण 1 में 1 की उपमा cloud से दी गई है। यदि । की उपमा किसी व्यक्ति से दी जाती, तब वह Simile नहीं होती।
2. उन दोनों वस्तुओं में समान गुण की तुलना की जानी चाहिए।
3.समानता बताने के लिए so, as, like, so…….. as या as …….. as शब्दों का प्रयोग होना चाहिए।

[Note : ध्यान रखें एक ही जाति या समुदाय के दो व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं की तुलना Simile नहीं होती।]

(रूपक) [2009, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18]

इसमें भी दो भिन्न-भिन्न समुदायों के प्राणी अथवा वस्तुओं में किसी समान गुण की तुलना तो की जाती है, किन्तु तुलना करने के लिए like, so, as ………… as या so………… as शब्दों का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता

Definition : A Metaphor is an implied Simile.
In a Metaphor, two things are compared but the words of comparison are not used. Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream. (Simile) Childhood is a swiftly passing dream (Metaphor)
उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों में स्पष्ट होता है कि Metaphor मेंso, as, like आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग करके उसे Simile में बदला जा सकता है।

Note : Metaphor का प्रयोग Noun, Adjective या Verb में से किसी भी रूप में हो सकता है।
(1) Noun के रूप में
1. The camel is the ship of the desert.
2. The fire of passion made him blind.
3. A ray of hope is very valuable in the clouds of despair.
4. My son is the star of our farmily.
5. Lala Lajpat Rai was the lion of the Punjab.

(2) Adjective के रूप में
1. It is a golden opportunity for you.
2. My principal has iron courage.
3. It is a lame excuse.
4. A terrorist has a stony heart.
5. In winter the people don’t like piercing wind.

(3) verb के रूप में
1. The waves thundered on the shore.
2. You are fond of blowing your own trumpet.

Note : ध्यान रखें यदि उपमा (Simile) वाले वाक्यों में से so, as, like जैसे शब्दों को हटा दें तब वह वाक्य रूपक (Metaphor) में बदला जा सकता है तथा so, as, like आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग करके उसे उपमा (Simile) में बदलता जा सकता है; जैसे

1. Life is like a dream. (Simile) Life is a dream. (Metaphor)
2. Rana Pratap was a lion in the fight. (Metaphor) Rana Pratap fought like a lion. (Simile)

(मानवीकरण) [2009,10,12,13, 16, 17, 18]

जब किसी अदृश्य वस्तु या विचार को व्यक्ति के समान सजीव मान लेते हैं, तब वह मानवीकरण होता है; जैसे
Opportunity knocks at the door but once.
‘अवसर केवल एक ही बार दरवाजा खटखटाता है। इस वाक्य में अवसर अदृश्य वस्तु है और वह खटखटाने का कार्य कर रहा है जो एक जीवित प्राणी का कार्य है, अतः यह मानवीकरण अलंकार हुआ।

Definition : In Personification lifeless objects and abstract ideas are thought of as living beings.


1. Let not Ambition mock their useful toil. [2018]
2. Experience is the best teacher. [2011]
3. Authority forgets a dying king.
4. Death lays his icy hands on kings.
5. Anxiety is sitting on her face:

(सम्बोधन) [2009, 11, 12, 15, 17]

इसमें किसी निर्जीव, अदृश्य वस्तु या विचार को या किसी मृत प्राणी को जीवित, दृश्य यो उपस्थित मानकर सम्बोधन किया जाता है तथा उस वस्तु या व्यक्ति के पश्चात् कौमा (,) या सम्बोधन का चिह्न (!) भी अवश्य होता है या उससे पूर्व O लगा होता है; जैसे
1. O Death! Where is thy sting ?
2. O Liberty! What crimes have been committed in thy name ?
3. Milton ! Thou should’st be living at this hour.

उपर्युक्त वाक्य
1 में मृत्यु को तथा वाक्य
2 में स्वतन्त्रता को सम्बोधन किया गया है जो दोनों वस्तुएँ निर्जीव एवं अदृश्य हैं तथा वाक्य
3 में Milton को सम्बोधन किया गया है जो मृत प्राणी है। अतः इन वाक्यों में Apostrophe अलंकार का प्रयोग है।

Definition : In Apostrophe, we address a dead person or some lifeless thing or an abstract idea as a living person.

Examples :
1. Frailty! Thy name is woman.
2. Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean ………… Roll ! [2011]
3. O Luxury! Thou ………… by heaven’s decree. (Goldsmith)
4. O Grave ! Where is thy victory.
5. O Wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being. (Shelley)

Note : Personification और Apostrophe में केवल इतना भेद है कि Personification में निर्जीव वस्तुओं तथा विचारों को जीवित मान लिया जाता है और वे जीवित के से कार्य भी करते हैं, जबकि Apostrophe में मृत व्यक्ति, वस्तुओं या विचारों को जीवित के समान सम्बोधन करते हैं। |

(अतिशयोक्ति) [2012, 14, 15]

इस अलंकार में किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुणों को आवश्यकता से अधिक बढ़ाकर या घटाकर वर्णन किया जाता है; जैसे Belinda smiled and all the world was gay. अर्थात् जब Belinda मुस्कराई तब पूरा संसार प्रसन्न हो गया। इससे स्पष्ट है कि Belinda के मुस्कराने से काफी लोग प्रसन्न हुए होंगे, किन्तु इस बात को इतना बढ़ा दिया गया कि पूरा संसार प्रसन्न हो गया।

Definition : In Hyperbole, a statement is made emphatic by overstatement.

Examples :
1. She wept oceans of tears…
2. Rivers of blood flowed in the battle.
3. They build a nation’s pillars deep and lift them to the sky. [2009]
4. Ten thousand saw I at a glance. [2013]
5. They were swifter than eagles and stronger than lions.

Note : प्रायः जब कोई व्यक्ति कवि या नाटककार, साहित्यकार अपने कथन में किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तुओं को इतना अधिक बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर या घटोकर कहे जो सम्भव न हो तब उसे Hyperbolefigure of speech कहते हैं।

(विरोधाभास) [2011, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]

इसमें एक ही व्यक्ति या वस्तु में दो विरोधी गुण एक साथ दिए जाते हैं; जैसे– James-I was the wisest fool. जेम्स प्रथम सबसे बुद्धिमान मूर्ख था अर्थात् जेम्स प्रथम में बुद्धिमानी तथा मूर्खता दोनों परस्पर विरोधी गुण बताए गए हैं।

Definition : In Oxymoron, we find the association of two words or phrases having opposite meanings.

Examples :
1. He is regularly irregular in the class. [2009]
2. She is feeling sweet pain.
3. The more haste, the less speed. [2015]
4. This is an open secret.
5. Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts.

Note : इस अलंकार में प्रायः एक ही वस्तु या व्यक्ति में दो परस्पर विरोधी गुण दर्शाए जाते हैं और उन्हें अधिकतर जोड़े में प्रयोग करते हैं; जैसे-regularly irregular, bitter sweet, pleasingpain, आदि।

(ध्वनि अलंकार) [2009, 10, 12, 13, 18]

इसमें शब्द की ध्वनि से ही अर्थ स्पष्ट हो जाता है। प्रायः जानवरों, पक्षियों या कुछ प्राकृतिक वस्तुओं की ध्वनि के लिए अलग शब्दों का प्रयोग होता है जिनसे यह स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि यह ध्वनि किसकी है; जैसे
1. I hear the humming of bees. (भिनभिनाहट)
2. The snakes hiss. (फुँकार मारना) Define ‘Onomatopoeia’ and give an example thereof. [2013]

Definition : An Onomatopoeia consists in using a word similar to the sound.

Examples :
1. Urgent drum beat of destiny calls.
2. Get thee on boughs and clap thy wings.
3. I chatter, chatter as I flow. (Tennyson)
4. I heard the water lapping on the crag.
5. Cooing of doves is very pleasant.
6. A murmuring whisper through the nunnery ran.

Note : इस अलंकार को पहचानने के लिए Animals तथा Birds की आवाजों (Cries) का ज्ञान सहायक El pills 34 Animal 71 Bird on 10 id ;
1. Cattle low.
2. Elephant trumpets.
3. A peacock screams.
4. A horse neighs.
5. A sheep bleats.


Point out the Figures of Speech in the following sentences :
1. As shines the moon in the clouded sky. She in her poor attire was seen.
2. A lie has no legs.
3. As many farewells as there be stars in heaven. [2017, 18]
4. Authority forgets a dying king.
5. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. [2012, 13, 16]
6. And having nothing he hath all. [2013, 18]
7. And out of joy His heart jumped miles high. [2014, 18]
8. A lovelier flower on earth was never sown.
9. A murmuring whisper through the nunnery ran.
10. Authority forgets a dying king. [2015]
11. Anxiety is sittinig on her force. [2015, 18]
12. Belinda smiled and all the world was gay. [2015, 16, 17, 18]
13. But patience to prevent, that murmur soon replies. [2009]
14. Curses are like chickens they come home to rost.
15. Death lays his icy hands even on kings. [2015, 17, 18]
16. Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow.
17. Exult, o shores ! and ring o bells ! [2011]
18. Expanding like the petals of young flowers I watch the gentle opening of your minds.
19. From star like eyes doth seek fuel to maintain fire. [2014]
20. Frailty! They name is woman. [2012, 13, 16, 18]
21. Great lord of all things yet a prey to all. [2009]
22. He is now in the sunset of his days. [2012]
23. Her mother too, upon this occasion felt a pleasing distress.
24. He is the star of the family. or He is the pillar of administration. [2010]
25. He has a heart of stone.
26. He that loves a rosy cheek or coral lip admires.
27. Hope is the poor man’s bread. [2015, 18]
28. He is idly busy nowadays.
29. How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. [2010, 14]
30. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven. [2017]
31. I see a lily on thy brows. [2011, 15, 17, 18]
32. I chatter, chatter, as I flow to join the brimming river. [2018]
33. I hear lake water lapping.
34. I heard the water lapping on the crag. [2014, 17, 18]
35. King James I was known as the wisest fool of Christendom. [2009]
36. Life is a tale told by an idiot. [2012, 14, 15, 16]
37. Life is as tedious as a twice told tale. [2011]
38. Lightly ! O lightly! We glide and we sing We bear her along like a pearl on a string. [2009, 15]
39. Life is but a walking shadow. [2009, 16]
40. Let not ambition mock their useful toil. [2010, 13, 18]
41. Life is bitter sweet. [2010, 11, 17]
42. Life is a dream. [2011, 12, 13, 17]
43. Love is the spice of life. [2017, 18]
44. Life is like a dream. [2018]
45. ‘Love is blind. [2009]
46. Like a huge python winding round and round.
47. Look like innocent flower. [2017]
48. Milton ! Thou should’st be livinjg at this hour. [2010, 14, 17]
49. My love is like a red rose. [2016]
50. My friend is regularly irregular. [2011]
51. Will all the perfumes of Arabia ever sweeten these hands.[2018]
52. Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India. [2018]


Point out the Figures of Speech in the following sentences :
1. O judgement ! thou art fled to brutish beasts. [2013, 15, 18]
2. Opportunity knocks at the door but once. [2011, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18]
3. O mighty Caesar ! dost thou lie so low.
4. O world ! O life ! O’time ! On whose last steps I climb. [2017]
5. O Julius Caesar ! thou art mighty yet. [2009]
6. Our sweetest songs are those That tell of saddest thoughts. [2009]
7. O Sweet Content ! Where is thy mild abode. [2011, 17, 18]
8. O heavy lightness ! Serious vanity. [2010]
9. O cuckoo ! shall I call thee bird.
10. O my love’s like red red rose.
11. O Solitude ! Where are thy charms. [2010, 18]
12. O Grave ! Where is thy victory.
13. Or from star like eyes doth seek.
14. O Captain ! My Captain ! Our fearful trip is done. [2009]
15. Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war.
16. Pride goeth forth on horse back grand and gray, But come the back on foot and begs its way. [2009, 17]
17. Rome, thou hast seen much better days.
18. Rivers of blood flowed in the battle.
19. Revenge is a kind of wild justice. [2009, 17]
20. She wept oceans of tears. [2018]
21. She is as fresh as dew.
22. She is a fen of staguant water. [2015]
23. She hangs like a star in the dew of our song. [2009, 16]
24. So like a shattered column lay the king. [2012]
25. She floats like a laugh from the lips of a dream.
26. She is the pillar of the state. [2011]
27. She falls like a tear from the eyes of a bride.
28. She skims like a bird on the foam of a stream. [2011]
29. She is lovely like a rose. [2013, 15]
30. That sages have seen in thy face.
31. The more haste, the less speed. [2015, 17, 18]
32. The city’s voice itself is soft like solitude’s. [2009, 11, 18]
33. They build the nation’s pillars deep and lift them to the sky. [2010]
34. This sea that bares her bosom to the moon. [2013, 16]
35. This is an open secret. [2014]
36. The camel is the ship of desert. [2012, 15]
37. The snakes are hissing and bees are buzzing. [2009, 16, 18]
38. Ten thousand saw I at a glance. [2009, 12, 16, 18]
39. The soul was like a star and dwelt apart.
40. There is a dagger in thy words.
41. The ship has weathered every rack.
42. The murmuring of innumerable bees. [2012]
43. The moon veiled her face. [2012, 17]
44. Truth sits upon the lips of a dying man. [2014, 16]
45. The sea waves rose mountains high. [2010]
46. The beauty born of murmuring sound shall pass into her face. [2015, 16]
47. There is a friendly animosity between Hari and Shyam. [2015]
48. The curfew tolls the knell of parling day. [2009, 11]
49. The cloud puts forth its deluge straight. When lightening cleaves its breast. [2012]
50. Thus idly busy rolls their world away.
51. We are like swimmers on the sea of life.
52. Whose armour is his honest thought. [2017]
53. Why man, if the rivers were dry, . I am able to fill it with tears.
54. Whose conscience is his strong retreat. . [2017]
55. Who best bear his mild yoke, they serve him best.
56. We wept oceans of tears. [2017]
57. Life is a sweet poison. [2018]


1. Simile
2. Personification
3. Hyperbole
4. Personification
5. Hyperbole
6. Oxymoron
7. Hyperbole
8. Metaphor
9. Hyperbole
10. Personification
11. Personification
12. Hyperbole
13. Personification
14. Simile
15. Personification
16. Simile
17. Apostrophe
18. Simile
19. Simile
20. Apostrophe
21. Oxymoron
22. Metaphor
23. Oxymoron
24. Metaphor
25. Metaphor
26. Metaphor
27. Metaphor
28. Oxymoron
29. Simile
30. Simile
31. Metaphor
32. Onomatopoeia
33. Onomatopoeia
34. Onomatopoeia
35. Oxymoron
36. Metaphor
37. Simile
38. Simile
39. Metaphor
40. Personification
41. Oxymoron
42. Metaphor
43. Metaphor
44. Simile
45. Personification
46. Simile
47. Simile
48. Apostrophe
49. Simile
50. Oxymoron
51. Hyperbole
52. Metaphor


1. Apostrophe
2. Personification
3. Apostrophe
4. Apostrophe
5. Apostrophe
6. Oxymoron
7. Apostrophe
8. Apostrophe
9. Apostrophe
10. Simile
11. Apostrophe
12. Apostrophe
13. Simile
14. Apostrophe
15. Personification
16. Personification
17. Apostrophe,
18. Hyperbole
19. Metaphor
20. Hyperbole
21. Simile
22. Metaphor
23. Simile
24. Simile
25. Simile
26. Metaphor
27. Simile
28. Simile
29. Simile
30. Personification
31. Oxymoron
32. Simile
33. Hyperbole
34. Personification
35. Oxymoron
36. Metaphor
37. Onomatopoeia
38. Hyperbole
39. Simile
40. Metaphor
41. Metaphor
42. Onomatopoeia
43. Personification
44. Personification
45. Hyperbole
46. Onomatopoeia
47. Oxymoron
48. Onomatopoeia
49. Personification
50. Oxymoron
51. Metaphor
52. Metaphor
53. Hyperbole
54. Metaphor
55. Metaphor
56. Hyperbole
57. Oxymoron

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