UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Translation

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Translation

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Translation are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Translation.

BoardUP Board
ClassClass 10
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameTranslation
CategoryUP Board Solutions

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Translation

Exercise 1

  1. Mohan is not lazy.
  2. These horses are not black.
  3. The clerk is not in the office.
  4. Is he your friend ?
  5. He was not an honest businessman.
  6. They were not punctual of time.
  7. Were the mangoes not sour ?
  8. Where was your bicycle ?
  9. Was he not your brother ?
  10. Were they not poor ?
  11. Will they be happy ?
  12. We shall not be present.
  13. Sohan was not at home.
  14. Will they be present ?
  15. Where were you yesterday ?
  16. Kavita and Jyoti were sisters.
  17. Delhi is the capital of India.
  18. Shivani is a good girl.
  19. He was not in the class.
  20. Were you with him ?

Exercise 2

  1. Arvind has a ball.
  2. Nirmala has two sons.
  3. He has two pencils.
  4. We have a television.
  5. You have a white dog.
  6. A butterfly has two wings.
  7. Today you have fever.
  8. We had a beautiful house.
  9. The old man had three sons.
  10. He had a bicycle.
  11. We had much work.
  12. I had a handkerchief.
  13. You had an umbrella.
  14. Sushma had books.
  15. We have many clothes.
  16. I have headache.
  17. She has food in the evening.
  18. I take bath daily.
  19. I have toothache.
  20. He has a spotted cow.

Exercise 3

  1. I have no house, or I do not have a house.
  2. Have you a science book ? or Do you have a science book ?
  3. Has a cow four feet ? or Does a cow have four feet ?
  4. Why has he grey hair ? or Why does he have grey hair ?
  5. Have you a ticket ? or Do you have a ticket ?
  6. We had no leave yesterday, or We did not have leave yesterday.
  7. Have you Rs 1,000 in your bag ? or Do you have Rs 1,000 in your bag ?
  8. I do not have good memory, or I have no good memory.
  9. Have you a good garden in your house ? or Do you have a good garden in your house ?
  10. He had no friend, or He did not have any friend.

Exercise 4

  1. It is the month of January.
  2. It is clear sky. Or Sky is clear.
  3. It was dark night today.
  4. That time it was 12 o’clock.
  5. It was raining outside.
  6. Now it is difficult to catch the train.
  7. It is not easy to learn music.
  8. It is not blowing today.
  9. Is it cold today?
  10. Is it pleasant ?
  11. Did it not rain yesterday ?
  12. This is my book.
  13. Is it Tuesday today ?
  14. This is spring.
  15. It is noon now.

Exercise 5

  1. There are two windows in our room.
  2. There are fish in this tank.
  3. There was a lion in this forest.
  4. There were very beautiful flowers in the garden.
  5. There is no temple in our colony.
  6. There is no basket in the house.
  7. Are there twenty rupees in your pocket ?
  8. There are five fingers in a hand.
  9. Were there books on this table ?
  10. There lived a singer in this village.
  11. There is a well in our village.
  12. There is no one in the room.
  13. There was water in the tap.
  14. Are there no clouds in the sky ?
  15. There was no dog on the road in the night.

Exercise 6

  1. How many windows are there in this room ?
  2. How many days are there in a week ?
  3. How many umbrellas do you have ?
  4. How many pens does he have ?
  5. How many doctors are there in this hospital ?
  6. How much milk is there in this glass ?
  7. How many pockets are there in your pant ?
  8. How many schools are there in your village ?
  9. How much sugar do you need now ?
  10. How many cups do you need now ?
  11. How much food does he need now ?
  12. How much ink do you need now ?
  13. How much milk do you have ?
  14. How many rupees do you need ?
  15. How many students went on picnic ?

Exercise 7

  1. This is a boy. The boy is my friend.
  2. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
  3. The Himalayas is the highest mountain.
  4. The cow is a useful animal.
  5. Santosh Singh is the richest person of this city.
  6. My father is a teacher.
  7. The sun give us light.
  8. The Ramayana is our religious book.
  9. Today I bought a shawl. The shawl is pure woolen.
  10. The poor are miserable.
  11. The rich are fortunate.
  12. Is there a clock on the wall ?
  13. I have a bat and a ball.
  14. The camel is the animal of desert.
  15. Hindus call the earth Mother.

Exercise 8

  1. Bring my book.
  2. Never tell a lie.
  3. Please help my brother.
  4. Obey your parents.
  5. Don’t go in this room.
  6. Now stop writing.
  7. Sit on the grass in the lawn.
  8. Switch off the light of the room.
  9. Have mercy on animals.
  10. Always eat fresh food.
  11. Write a letter to your friend.
  12. Don’t walk on the busy road.
  13. Respect your teachers.
  14. Never quarrel with anybody.
  15. Keep your clothes clean.

Exercise 9

  1. Let us play chess.
  2. Let him go there.
  3. Let the students enter the room.
  4. Let us see football match.
  5. Let me take rest now.
  6. Let the patient sleep.
  7. Let us sit in this garden.
  8. Let the monkey drink the water.
  9. Let us laugh loudly.
  10. Let him learn his lesson.
  11. Let the police follow the thieves.
  12. Let us not play in sunlight.
  13. Let the child not weep.
  14. Let all love.
  15. Let us serve our country.

Exercise 10

  1. They go to school daily.
  2. Sh. Nitin Jain teaches us mathematics.
  3. Some children run on the road.
  4. He always speaks the truth.
  5. Dogs bark at night.
  6. The sun rises in the east.
  7. They live in a hostel in Meerut.
  8. Ravi plays with him.
  9. You know him well.
  10. Two and three make five.

Exercise 11

  1. Ramesh never tells a lie.
  2. Good boys do not make a noise in the class.
  3. You do not do your work.
  4. He does not come to me daily.
  5. His sister does not wash clothes.
  6. Your watch does not show correct time.
  7. I do not read novels.
  8. I do not tease him.
  9. He does not take food in the night.
  10. We do not abuse anybody.

Exercise 12

  1. Do you sleep in day ?
  2. When does he get up in the morning ?
  3. What do they do at this time ?
  4. Where do you live ?
  5. Do you know those people ?
  6. Do the boys make noise in the class ?
  7. Does this road not lead to market ?
  8. Do you read newspaper daily ?
  9. Do you obey your parents ?
  10. What does he want ?

Exercise 13

  1. He came to me yesterday.
  2. The child broke the mirror.
  3. I borrowed him Rs 100.
  4. We used to play (or played) hockey in this field.
  5. He used to smoke.
  6. He resigned from his post.
  7. Gandhiji was the supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity.
  8. My brother did read in this school.
  9. Shivani sang a song yesterday.
  10. Our team won the match. .

Exercise 14

  1. Raman did not take bath in the river.
  2. You did not give me your books.
  3. I did not go to office yesterday.
  4. Our team did not score four goals in hockey match.
  5. Subhash did not deposit the fee of this month.
  6. The doctor did not try his best to save the patient.
  7. He did not do his work at right time.
  8. I never quarreled with any one.
  9. They did not stay there.
  10. You did not help us.

Exercise 15

  1. Did Rajan’s mother go to Agra ?
  2. Did Neelima not clean the room ?
  3. Why did he not complete his homework ?
  4. When did Poonam go to Dehradun ?
  5. Where did Himanshu see me ?
  6. Why did Pushpa not go to her sister ?
  7. When did your brother buy television ?
  8. Who tore this book ?
  9. Who did not take tea ?
  10. Did Shalini stand first in the class ?

Exercise 16

  1. She will go to temple tomorrow.
  2. The servant will wash the clothes.
  3. They will go to market.
  4. Kavita will read her book.
  5. The Prime Minister will make a speech tomorrow.
  6. Vaishali will teach her sister.
  7. Tomorrow the school will remain closed.
  8. You will surely get punishment.
  9. We shall succeed.
  10. You will complete your work.

Exercise 17

  1. Nita will not sing a song.
  2. You will not swim in the river.
  3. We shall not hear the story.
  4. She will not cook food.
  5. The gardener will not water the plants.
  6. It will not rain tomorrow.
  7. He will not vacate the house.
  8. The advocate will not attend the court today.
  9. I shall not pardon him.
  10. We shall not go there.

Exercise 18

  1. Will Mohan write an essay ?
  2. Will you obey me ?
  3. What will they do tomorrow ?
  4. Who will not call him ?
  5. Where will you play ? ‘
  6. When will the gardener water the plants ?
  7. Will you buy books ?
  8. Will the patient go to the doctor ?
  9. Will the child not drink milk ?
  10. Will Rakesh teach his brother ?

Exercise 19

  1. I am feeling hungry.
  2. We are playing in the field.
  3. The peon is ringing the bell.
  4. The farmer is ploughing his field.
  5. The peacock is dancing in the forest.
  6. He is learning his lesson.
  7. He is teaching his younger brother.
  8. Anil is helping the old man.
  9. The doctor is examining the patients.
  10. The tailor is sewing clothes.

Exercise 20

  1. The boys are not swimming in the river.
  2. You are not reading the book.
  3. They are not playing on flute.
  4. He is not suffering from fever.
  5. Suman is not singing song.
  6. Lata is not cooking food.
  7. Pankaj is not laughing.
  8. We are not playing hockey.
  9. They are not bathing.
  10. The cow is not giving milk.

Exercise 21

  1. When are they going to Mumbai ?
  2. Are you eating an apple ?
  3. Why are you laughing ?
  4. Why are the children making a noise ?
  5. Is Deepak going to his village ?
  6. Is the sun rising ?
  7. Is the lion roaring in the forest ?
  8. When are you coming to Chennai ?
  9. Why is he going to market ?
  10. Why is his brother not searching for a job ?

Exercise 22

  1. The students were studying in the class.
  2. He was going to village on foot.
  3. My brother was reading newspaper.
  4. Your sister was cooking food.
  5. The carpenter was doing his work.
  6. The children were playing.
  7. Juhi was laughing.
  8. They were swimming in the river.
  9. The gardener was plucking flowers.
  10. The poets were writing poems.

Exercise 23

  1. Sudha was not drinking tea.
  2. Ashu and Tanu were not reading.
  3. You were not buying apples.
  4. The girls were not dancing.
  5. I was not doing my work.
  6. The children were not playing.
  7. They were not washing their clothes.
  8. The tailor were not sewing our clothes.
  9. The duck was not swimming in the water.
  10. The grandmother was not telling me story.

Exercise 24

  1. Were the teachers teaching the children ?
  2. Was the gardener plucking flowers ?
  3. Why was the farmer not watering his fields ?
  4. Was he beating Arvind ?
  5. Whom were you teaching yesterday ?
  6. Why was he calling me yesterday ?
  7. Were you coming to market in the morning ?
  8. Why was she writing letter to her father ?
  9. When was he bathing in the Ganga ?
  10. Who was running on the road ?

Exercise 25

  1. They will be going to Kolkata tomorrow.
  2. The gardener will be watering the plants.
  3. The teachers will be teaching in the class.
  4. The children will be going to see the fair.
  5. Ankur will be playing here this time tomorrow.
  6. The carpenter will be making table.
  7. The scientists will be working in the laboratory.
  8. The doctors will be giving medicine to the patient.
  9. Nisha will be cooking food.
  10. The servant will be washing clothes.

Exercise 26

  1. Kapil will not be eating apple.
  2. His sister will not be cooking food.
  3. The milkman will not be milking the cow.
  4. The girls will not be going to school.
  5. We shall not be playing cards tomorrow.
  6. The lion will not be roaring in the forest.
  7. The dog will not be drinking water.
  8. The peon will not be ringing the bell.
  9. Umesh wall not be buying vegetables from the market.
  10. The washer man will not be washing clothes this time.

Exercise 27

  1. Will the children be making noise ?
  2. What will Gita be writing this time ?
  3. Where will Rajendra be reading this time ?
  4. With whom will they be going to bank ?
  5. Will you be learning your lesson this time ?
  6. Will she be cooking food ?
  7. Will the teachers be teaching children this time ?
  8. My brother will be coming from office.
  9. The players will not be playing hockey this time.
  10. They will be reading with him.

Exercise 28

  1. He has sold his house.
  2. Ravi has bought a cow.
  3. Shivani has passed in the examination.
  4. He has crossed the river.
  5. The train has started from the station.
  6. You have helped him.
  7. Rama’s father has gone to office.
  8. He has given up his studies.
  9. The convict has escaped from the jail.
  10. They have listened to me attentively.

Exercise 29

  1. Mahima has not drink milk.
  2. The mother has not bathed her child.
  3. They have not played cricket.
  4. You have not fulfilled your promise.
  5. He has not seen the Red fort yet.
  6. The dacoits have not looted the villagers.
  7. The teacher has not beaten the boy.
  8. The master has not given me salary.
  9. The carpenter has not completed his work.
  10. I have not learnt my lesson yet.

Exercise 30

  1. Has your father gone to Allahabad ?
  2. Has he deceived you ?
  3. Has Sudhir always helped you ?
  4. Has Sudha written a letter ?
  5. Have the boys caught the thief ?
  6. Why have you put out the lamp ?
  7. Why has Himanshu not returned from school yet ?
  8. Have you lost your purse ?
  9. Has the train not started ?
  10. Why have you not learnt your lesson ?

Exercise 31

  1. He had reached home before it started raining.
  2. I had written the letter before my younger brother came.
  3. He went to see the cinema after he had completed his work.
  4. Anuj drank milk after Sudhir had gone.
  5. Usha had taken food before it became evening.
  6. I had solved all sums before the bell rang.
  7. The thief had run away before the police came.
  8. He had gone to school before you came.
  9. He had cleaned his teeth before he took bath.
  10. He slept after he had eaten food.

Exercise 32

  1. Mamta had not slept before I came.
  2. The travellers had not completed their journey before the sun set.
  3. Mohan did not go to school after it had rained.
  4. The players had reached the playground before the sun rose.
  5. Sandhya did not sing a song after Arvind had gone.
  6. The lion had not roared before the hunter reached the forest.
  7. Nita had not slept before she learnt her lesson.
  8. The peon had not rung the bell before you reached the school.
  9. He had not read the book before he slept.
  10. She did not sit after she had sung the song.

Exercise 33

  1. Had you bought the ticket before the train arrived ?
  2. Where had you gone before I reached the school ?
  3. Why did you not do this work after we had gone?
  4. Had the thieves run away before the police reached ?
  5. Why did he weep after I had gone ?
  6. Did the patient die after the doctor had gone ?
  7. Had the students not reached school before it started raining ?
  8. Had you never seen Agra before ?
  9. Had the birds not flown before the sun rose ?
  10. Where had the students gone before the teacher came ?

Exercise 34

  1. She will have completed her homework soon.
  2. The students will have completed the match by 5 o’clock.
  3. The uncle will have returned from America by 10th May.
  4. It will have stopped raining before you go to school.
  5. He will have read the complete novel before he sleeps.
  6. The child will have drunk milk before he sleeps.
  7. The thieves will have run away before the police comes.
  8. The gardener will have plucked the flowers before the sun rises.
  9. I shall have written the essay before you come.
  10. He will have taken exercise before he takes bath.

Exercise 35

  1. He will not have come before 2 o’clock.
  2. I shall not have reached home before the sun sets.
  3. She will not have eaten food before the moon rises.
  4. We shall not have decorated the house before Diwali.
  5. He will not have brought shoes before marriage.
  6. The servant will not have cleaned the room before the guests come.
  7. I shall not have changed clothes before the father comes.
  8. I shall not have solved the paper before the time is over.
  9. We shall not have eaten food before the guests go.
  10. You will not have completed this work before 2 o’clock.

Exercise 36

  1. Will you have eaten the mango before you eat food ?
  2. Will you have reached the station before the train starts ?
  3. Will the Fowler have caught the birds before it is evening ?
  4. Will all the prisoners have been released before 15th August ?
  5. Will the teacher have gone from the class before the bell rings ?
  6. Will you have awaken before the dogs bark ?
  7. Will the children have reached home before it is dark ?
  8. Will the mother have cooked food by 8 o’clock ?
  9. Will she have danced before you reach ?
  10. Will he have drunk coffee before I reach ?

Exercise 37

  1. The children have been playing since morning.
  2. We have been playing cricket for one week.
  3. You have been going to school for three days.
  4. His younger sister has been making noise for one hour.
  5. Kusum has been writing letter for half an hour.
  6. Usha has been cooking food since 6 o’clock.
  7. Mahima has been studying for two hours.
  8. The teachers have been teaching english since evening.
  9. Sudhir has been working since 8 a.m.
  10. The washer man has been washing clothes since morning.

Exercise 38

  1. Sandhya has not been singing song for one hour.
  2. I have not been playing for two hours.
  3. Rekha has not been sleeping since night.
  4. Anil has not been solving sums since morning.
  5. Ajay has not been doing work since yesterday.
  6. Prabhat has not been living in this city for two months.
  7. He has not been coming here for one month.
  8. I have not been going to his house since Tuesday.
  9. The child has not been weeping for several hours.
  10. We have not been reading newspaper for several days.

Exercise 39

  1. Has his sister been studying for three hours ?
  2. What has he been playing since morning ?
  3. Have the teachers been teaching students history for one hour ?
  4. Has the washer man been washing clothes since 10 o’clock ?
  5. Has the woodcutter not been cutting wood since Sunday ?
  6. Why has Neeta not been learning her lesson since morning ?
  7. Has the child been weeping for two hours ?
  8. Has the watchman been keeping watch since night ?
  9. Has Ashu not been playing ball for one hour ?
  10. Why have they been quarreling for two hours ?

Exercise 40

  1. You had been taking rest since morning.
  2. The patient had been taking medicine since yesterday.
  3. The teachers had been teaching English for two months.
  4. The washer man had been washing clothes for several hours.
  5. Vikrant had been studying since morning.
  6. They had been helping us for several years.
  7. The farmer had been watering the field for two hours.
  8. It had been raining for four days.
  9. The watchman had been sleeping since 2 o’clock.
  10. The children had been playing cricket for one hour.

Exercise 41

  1. They had not been living in this house for four years.
  2. We had not been taking rest since morning.
  3. Police had not been searching the thieves for two days.
  4. The teachers had not been teaching the students for one week.
  5. The children had not been playing for two hours.
  6. Kapil Dev had not been bowling for one hour.
  7. He had not been working for six months.
  8. The patient had not been taking treatment for ten days.
  9. The mother had not been cooking food for one hour.
  10. The stars had not been shining since mid-night.

Exercise 42

  1. Had you been writing an essay since 2 o’clock ?
  2. Had the minister been making a speech for one hour ?
  3. Had the child been sleeping since 5 p.m ?
  4. For how many years had they been living there ?
  5. Had it been snowing in Mussorie since night ?
  6. Had she been ill since Wednesday ?
  7. Had Sohan not been playing for two hours ?
  8. Had the doctor not been giving medicine to the patients since morning ?
  9. Why had he not been going to school for two days ?
  10. Had he been ill for one week ?

Exercise 43

  1. Priya will have been singing song for two hours.
  2. Your brother will have been living in this city for a long time.
  3. The farmer will have been ploughing the field since morning.
  4. The teacher will have been teaching him since 5 p.m.
  5. He will have been waiting for you since 2 o’clock.
  6. The laborers will have been going on strike since Wednesday.
  7. The children will be playing in the park since evening.
  8. The gardener will have been watering the plants since 5 o’clock in the morning.
  9. Manjul will have been reciting the poem for two hours.
  10. She will have been writing a letter for half an hour.

Exercise 44

  1. The peon will not have been ringing the bell since 2 o’clock.
  2. They will not have been playing for three hours.
  3. Pradeep will not have been playing on flute for two hours.
  4. Shreenath will not have been bowling for half an hour.
  5. The old man will not have been lying under this tree since evening.
  6. The hunter will not have been chasing the deer since morning.
  7. This watchman will not have been watching the whole night.
  8. The cow will not have been grazing since morning.
  9. Ashu will not have been watching TV for two hours.
  10. His brother will not have been taking examination for two years.

Exercise 45

  1. Will the girls have been singing song for one hour ?
  2. Will Sharmila have been weeping since morning ?
  3. Will your father have been working since morning ?
  4. Will you have been talking with him for two hours ?
  5. Why will the washerman not have been washing clothes for one month ?
  6. Where will Manoj have been going for several days ?
  7. What will the teacher have been teaching since yesterday ?
  8. Why will Pankaj not have been eating food for two weeks ?
  9. Will Anju not have been dancing for one hour ?
  10. Will you have been learning your lesson since morning ?

Exercise 46

  1. Mr. Lai comes to dinner today.
  2. Rita goes to Delhi on Wednesday.
  3. Harit takes C.P.M.T. examination this year.
  4. If you call me, I will come.
  5. I go to Lucknow tonight.
  6. The meeting starts at 8 p.m.
  7. The train will start when the guard whistles.
  8. Mr. Das retires in June.
  9. If you do not take exercise, you will not be healthy.
  10. The aeroplane takes off at 6 a.m.
  11. Ravi gets prize for his essay.
  12. American President comes to India this year on the Republic Day.

Exercise 47

  1. I smell something burning.
  2. Do you see anyone behind the wall ?
  3. These oranges do not taste sweet.
  4. I hear someone coming.
  5. This cloth feels rough.
  6. You look ill to me.
  7. This flower smells sweet.
  8. The paper looks thin.
  9. I see a snake in the garden.
  10. Do you hear bird singing ?
  11. I feel much cold today.
  12. The milk tastes more sweet to me.
  13. Do you smell this pickle good ?
  14. Do I not look healthy to you ?
  15. These grapes taste sour.

Exercise 48

  1. This book looks to be old.
  2. Meena does not appear to be a clever girl.
  3. This student seems to be very weak in mathematics.
  4. Ramu seems to be a wise student.
  5. These vegetables look to be fresh.
  6. The teacher seems to be angry today.
  7. You seem to be a naughty girl.
  8. Why does he look to be sad ?
  9. Do I seem to be sick ?
  10. Do the horses seem to be hungry ?

Exercise 49

  1. He is helped by you.
  2. This field is not ploughed.
  3. Am I given tea?
  4. When are you taught ?
  5. Sweets are given us by the mother.
  6. The boys are not fined.
  7. Father is served by us.
  8. The birds are not killed by the hunter.
  9. Are the thieves arrested by the police ?
  10. Whom are the prizes given ?

Exercise 50

  1. A letter was not written by him.
  2. Were you sent there ?
  3. The dogs were not killed.
  4. Where were the children sent yesterday ?
  5. The horse was not run fast.
  6. The food was cooked by the mother.
  7. When was the gun fired by the hunter ?
  8. Was this novel read by you ?
  9. Match was not won by our team.
  10. All the books were lost.

Exercise 51

  1. A book will be read by me.
  2. Will a song be sung by Sudha.
  3. Little children will not be beaten.
  4. When will these mangoes be plucked ?
  5. I shall be helped by him.
  6. Why will they not be given their salary ?
  7. Will the criminals be arrested ?
  8. Now the kites will not be flown.
  9. He will not be heard.
  10. When will you be called ?

Exercise 52

  1. The room is being cleaned.
  2. The clothes are being washed by the washerman.
  3. The lesson is not being learnt by me.
  4. Are the flowers being plucked ?
  5. When is the medicine being given to the patient ?
  6. Where is he being sent ?
  7. I am being loved by the mother.
  8. He is not being sent to Barely.
  9. How is this work being done ?
  10. Are the animals being killed ?

Exercise 53

  1. A story was being told to the children.
  2. Were the goods being bought by you ?
  3. Where was the song being sung ?
  4. The guests were being welcomed.
  5. Why were you being scolded yesterday ?
  6. The doctor was not being called.
  7. He was being sent to office.
  8. When was the lecture being given ?
  9. The breakfast was being taken by father.
  10. We were being helped.

Exercise 54

  1. The letters have been sent.
  2. These lessons have not been taught.
  3. Has the mango been eaten ?
  4. When have the plants been watered ?
  5. These birds have not been killed.
  6. Why has the door not been shut ?
  7. When has the fee been deposited ?
  8. The prizes have been distributed to the students by the principal.
  9. The clothes have been made dirty by the boys.
  10. Have the shoes been polished ?

Exercise 55

  1. The paper had been solved by all the students.
  2. Why had the room not been cleaned till evening ?
  3. The fee had been returned to the students.
  4. The plants had not been watered.
  5. Had the food been eaten by him ?
  6. The bell had been rung before the principle arrived.
  7. All the doors of the house had been opened.
  8. Why had all lights been switched off ?
  9. Had my message been sent you ?
  10. The prizes had not been distributed to the boys.

Exercise 56

  1. This work will have been done by Sita.
  2. This song will not have been sung by Meera.
  3. Will you have been beaten by the teacher ?
  4. When will this work have been completed by them ?
  5. He will have been helped by you.
  6. The birds will not have been killed.
  7. Will he have been called here ?
  8. When will the sweater have been knitted by the mother ?
  9. Milk will have been drunk by the patients.
  10. Grammar will not have been taught to us by the end of this month.

Exercise 57

  1. If my father had money, he would buy this house.
  2. If he had met me, I would have helped him.
  3. I wish I could become an engineer.
  4. If you obey your elders, they will love you.
  5. If I were powerful, I should kill him.
  6. If it rains, we shall not go to Delhi.
  7. If he had given me money, I would have given him milk.
  8. If you pass, I shall give you sweets to eat.
  9. If you have read the magazine, please return it.
  10. If you go, I shall accompany you.

Exercise 58

  1. The elder brother told me that 15th August is the Independence Day.
  2. The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
  3. Amma says that Ashu is a very intelligent boy.
  4. He knows that the incident was true.
  5. I thought that he had read the story.
  6. That man gave me more money than he gave to his relatives.
  7. He likes you more than he likes me.
  8. He ordered me to work as if he were my officer.
  9. They said that walking in the morning is useful for health.
  10. His brother said that he would send him to America to study.

Exercise 59

  1. It is good exercise to swim.
  2. It is sin to tell a lie.
  3. He is about to sleep.
  4. To proceed was dangerous.
  5. To retreat is difficult.
  6. It is harmful for health to smoke.
  7. To walk in open air is useful.
  8. God has given us eyes to see.
  9. He went to market to buy goods.
  10. To find faults with others is easy.
  11. He is to go there.
  12. I was to play cricket.
  13. They will have to come here.
  14. I like to read novels.
  15. He does not like to drink milk.

Exercise 60

  1. Ramesh is fond of playing tennis.
  2. Stop writing.
  3. Sleeping in the day is harmful for health.
  4. Stealing is sin.
  5. Seeing is believing.
  6. His habit is helping others.
  7. He hates gambling.
  8. He was rewarded for speaking truth.
  9. Drinking is bad habit.
  10. He was fined for absenting himself.
  11. Your coming late is not good.
  12. Now stop talking.
  13. Sleeping in the class is bad.
  14. Meeting good people is good.
  15. We started running slowly.

Exercise 61

  1. Having learnt his lesson he slept.
  2. We heard him singing song.
  3. Deceived by his friends he became hopeless.
  4. Seeing the police, the thieves ran away.
  5. Being happy with his hard work, the master rewarded him.
  6. Having taken food he went for walking.
  7. We met a boy carrying a basket of fruits.
  8. This is my walking stick.
  9. Seeing the dog he ran away.
  10. Being tired he laid down.
  11. Seeing the rising sun is good.
  12. Weeping the child slept.
  13. Calling the father I bade him good morning.
  14. He came into the room laughing.
  15. Having taken food he went to office.

Exercise 62

  1. Your friend, the neighbor is coming.
  2. Ramesh goes to school.
  3. He with his friends has gone for walking.
  4. Every one of these children has failed.
  5. Maths and English are taught here.
  6. Neither you came here nor your brother.
  7. In the accident every man, woman and child died.
  8. Does he play ball ?
  9. Neither you took food nor he.
  10. Either Ashu or Tanu has broken the chair.
  11. The boys as well as teachers went on picnic.
  12. Is every player happy on victory?
  13. She with her two children drowned in the river.
  14. Every soldier of India is ready for sacrifice.
  15. Neither he nor his brothers are clever.

Exercise 63

  1. We know that your father is a gentleman.
  2. Do you know where Arvind works ?
  3. This is the thing that he had told the previous day.
  4. It is true that he is a doctor.
  5. I can’t say how long I shall work.
  6. I don’t know whether she passed this year or failed.
  7. Whatever you said is untrue.
  8. It is true that you regard elders.
  9. I can’t say whether the teachers will come to school today or not.
  10. We hope that this year the crop will be good.

Exercise 64

  1. He got punishment in the school today because he had not completed his work.
  2. If he wants he may come.
  3. You are taller than Vijay.
  4. Although he is rich yet he is miser.
  5. As soon as we reached home, it began to rain.
  6. If you make a promise, fulfill it.
  7. The examination had started when he reached school.
  8. He is now richer than me.
  9. If you work hard, you will surely be selected.
  10. Walk carefully lest you should fall down.

Exercise 65

  1. The boy whom you met in the school is our monitor.
  2. The team which had come from Delhi lost the match.
  3. This is the place where bus accident happened.
  4. This is the book which he had lost.
  5. The incident which you had told me was very interesting.
  6. God helps those who help themselves.
  7. Try to avoid the boys who abuse others.
  8. This is the handkerchief which I bought from the market yesterday.
  9. Avoid the people who tell a lie.
  10. The students who work hard always succeed in the examination.

Exercise 66

  1. She went home and began to weep.
  2. He went to market and bought a TV.
  3. It is 5 o’clock but he has not come from school.
  4. He is not only a teacher but also a poet.
  5. You are intelligent yet you do not work.
  6. He is right but you are wrong.
  7. He is rich as well as kind.
  8. Neither he came here nor he sent his son.
  9. He completed his work and went home.
  10. He fell ill because he was not careful of his health.
  11. I went to Delhi and saw the Red fort there.
  12. Radha went on the stage and sang a song.
  13. I bought the ticket but did not see the circus.
  14. He is either poor or miser.
  15. You did not work hard so you did not succeed.

Exercise 67

  1. The sun was about to set when all children came home.
  2. The teacher was about to go when I asked pardon.
  3. The child was about to drown when some people saw him.
  4. The patient was about to die when the doctor came.
  5. I was about to lock the door when some one rang the bell.
  6. It was about to rain when the principal announced holiday.
  7. The crop was about to ripe when hail stones began to fall.
  8. The dust storm was about to come when we closed all doors.
  9. She fell ill when her examination was about to start.
  10. I reached the station when the train was about to start.

Exercise 68

  1. Instead of Mahima, Himanshu was sent to market.
  2. We drink milk instead of tea.
  3. Garima began to play instead of reading.
  4. I learnt essay also besides grammar.
  5. Shashikant sold house also besides the garden.
  6. We went to Mussorie also besides Dehradun.
  7. Shivani knows dancing also besides singing.
  8. The mother gave me tea instead of milk.
  9. The mother gave me some biscuits also besides milk.
  10. Can you read Urdu also besides English.

Exercise 69

  1. The teachers should be just to students.
  2. I opened the lock with his key.
  3. We should not be cruel with the children.
  4. He lives away from his children.
  5. I pasted the book with the gum.
  6. The officer is pleased with his employees.
  7. He made pudding with milk.
  8. We should not be rude to our teachers.
  9. He fell from the bicycle.
  10. Prashant goes on foot from home to station.

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