UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 1 Parts of Sentence

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 1 Parts of Sentence

These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 1 Parts of Sentence


Pick out the Subject in the following sentences. Also point out the Head Word, Qualifier and Determiner :

Study the examples :
Question 1.
Man is mortal.
Subject-Man (Head Word)

Question 2.
A beautiful girl is there.
Head Word-girl

  1.  A tall boy runs.
  2.  A kind man wept.
  3. The old man died.
  4.  My younger brother succeeded.
  5.  The little girl danced.
  6.  Some notorious boys were caught.
  7.  The black crow flew.
  8.  Some dishonest person stole the purse.
  9.  Some old ladies went to the temple.
  10. A strong wrestler was defeated.


Complete the following sentences with the Subject parts given in brackets in the correct order :


  1. The old man sat here.
  2. My old servant went home.
  3. Some naughty boys quarrelled.
  4. His elder brother is a famous doctor.
  5. An honest boy works hard.
  6. That tall boy came from Mumbai.
  7.  A shining gun was given to him on his birthday.
  8.  New electronic dolls dance.
  9.  The red flowers in my garden are pretty.
  10. The brave people fight for their country.

Complete the following sentences with the Subject parts given in brackets in the correct order :


  1.  Some naughty boys quarrelled.
  2. My younger son is a famous actor.
  3. To pay the taxes is our duty.
  4. My grandmother told an interesting story.
  5. My all friends have arrived.
  6. A kind man wept.
  7. That tall man is dishonest.
  8.  Shashi’s elder brother is in the room.
  9.  A black bird sitting in the tree flew away.
  10.  My younger brother in Agra is a doctor.

Predicate के अन्तर्गत एक शब्द भी हो सकता है तथा एक से अधिक शब्द भी हो सकते हैं। एक शब्द से अधिक होने पर Prelicate का वर्गीकरण निम्नलिखित प्रकार से किया जा सकता है–

Predicate (विधेय) के कई भाग होते हैं|
(i) Verb (क्रिया)–Verb Predicate का प्रथम तथा प्रमुख भाग है जो’कर्ता द्वारा किये गये कार्य को व्यक्त करता है।
(ii) Indirect Object (अप्रत्यक्ष कर्म)–क्रिया से whom (किसको) का प्रश्न करने पर जो शब्द उत्तर में आये, वह Indirect Object होता है।

(iii) Direct Object (प्रत्यक्ष कर्म)–क्रिया से what (क्या) का प्रश्न करने पर जो उत्तर में आये वह Direct Object होता हैं।
(iv) Complement (परिपूरक)–जो शब्द verb के अर्थ को पूरा करता है उसे Complement कहते हैं।
(नोट-प्रायः linking Verb (is, am, are, was, were etc.) के बाद ही complement आता है।
Examples :
1. Ram tells us : nice story. (राम हमें एक अच्छी कहानी सुनाता है।)
Indirect Object—us
Direct Object—a nice story
2. Ashok Was a king. (अशोक एक राजा था।)
Verb (linking)—was
Complement — a king विशेष—Complement भी तीन प्रकार के होते हैं, जैसे
(1) He is a teacher. (Noun Completent)
(2) He is tall. (Adjective Complement)
(3) He is there. (Adverb Complement)
Predicate के parts को निम्नलिखित रूप में स्पष्ट किया जा सकता है–
Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object अथवा
Verb + Complement.
इसे निम्नलिखित चार्ट की सहायता से आसानी से समझा जा सकता है

विशेष-Object के रूप में Gerund, Infinitive तथा Participle का भी प्रयोग किया जाता है, जैसे—
(i) He decided to go out. (उसने बाहर जाने का निश्चय किया।)
(ii) He enjoys swimming. (वह तैरने का आनन्द लेता है।)
(iii) I saw her carrying a basket. (मैंने उसे एक टोकरी ले जाते हुए देखा।)

Make five meaningful sentences from the table given below :

The old man in the field is my uncle.

(i) The old man in the corner is an honest teacher.
(ii) This beautiful woman in the room was a doctor.
(iii) The old man in the room is a gentle teacher.
(iv) The beautiful woman in the corner is an intelligent teacher.
(v) The old man in the corner was an actor.

Pick out the Predicate in the following sentences and break the Predicate into its different parts :

  1. He reads a magazine.
  2. Mala brings a glove.
  3.  Rakesh opens the door.
  4.  My father writes me a letter.
  5. Your brother drives a car.
  6.  I like playing football.
  7. You love flying kites.
  8.  She loved reading the newspaper.
  9.  He likes to play chess.
  10. He decided to scold his servant.
  11.  Shahjahan was a king.
  12.  The boys made me the captain


  1.  Predicate:   
    eads a magazine
    Verb- read
    Object-a magazine
  2. Predicate
    brings a glove
    Object–a glove
  3. Predicate
    opens the door
    Object—the door
  4. Predicate
    Writes me a letter
    Indirect Object–me
    Direct Object-a letter
  5. Predicate
    rives a car
    Object–a car
  6. Predicate
    like playing football
    Object (Gerund)–playing football
  7. Predicate
    love lying kites
    Verb love
    Object (Gerund)—flying kites
  8. Predicate
    loved reading the newspaper
    Object (Gerund)-reading the newspaper
  9. Predicate
    likes to play chess
    Object (Infinitive)–to play chess
  10. Predicate
    decided to scold his servant
    Object (Infinitive)—to scold his servant
  11. Predicate
    was a king
    complement (Noun)-a king
  12. Predicate
    made me the captain
    Indirect Object–me
    Direct Object—the captain

The Predicate parts of each of the following sentences is given in brackets. Complete the sentences by putting it in right order :

  1. Our friend………………………….. (decided, by; bus, to go, in the, evening)
  2. The servant…………………………. ( food, for; cooks, us)
  3. The teacher………………………….. (his, work. got, at, angry)
  4.   Rana Pratap …………………………. (very, loved, freedom, much)
  5.  The teacher …………………………. (did, servant, the, call, not)
  6.  His sister …………………………. (a, reads, book)
  7.  Kanpur …………………………. (is, big, u, city)
  8.  Gandhiji……………………….. (was, leader; a great)
  9.   My friend ……………………. (doesa hard, not work)
  10. I …………………………. (found, asleep. my.’ children)
  11. His mother ………………… (not, does, him, beat)
  12. The man ………………….. (help, all, friends, promised, 10, my)
  13.  We ……..(not, have, this, done, work)
  14. I ………(bell, the, rang)


  1. Our friend decided to go by bus in the evening.
  2. The servant cooks food for us.
  3. The teacher got angry at his work.
  4. Rana Pratap loved freedom very much.
  5. The teacher did not call the servant.
  6. His sister reads a book.
  7. Kanpur is a big city.
  8.  Gandhiji was a great leader.
  9.  My friend does not work hard.
  10.  I found my children asleep.
  11. His mother does not beat him.
  12.  The man promised to help all my friends.
  13.  We have not done this work.
  14.  I rang the bell.

The Predicate parts of each of the following sentences is given in brackets. Complete the sentences by putting it in right order :

  1. He ……………..(foot, on, village, goes, his, to)
  2. Children….. (toys, like, drops, and, lemon)
  3. He …………….(not, does, go, everyday, school, to)
  4. I ……………..(just, have, you, the answer, given)
  5. He …………….. .. (work, his, completed, has)
  1. They………….. (know, five, years, for, each other)
  2.  I ………..(the, have, seen, Red Fort)
  3.  He …………………………. (up, went, hill, the)
  4. This tree …………….. (very, is, high)
  5. I ……………….. (see, shall, you, tomorrow)
  6. He …………….(me, see, would, next day, the)
  7.  I ……………..(three, brought, have, for, you, letters)
  8. She ….(the, yesterday, zoo, visited)
  9.  You …..(doing, work, your, not, are)
  10. My mother ……………………. (gave, ten, me, rupees, yesterday)


  1. goes to his village on foot
  2.  like lemon drops and toys
  3.  does not go to school everyday
  4. have just given you the answer
  5. has completed his work
  6. know each other for five years
  7.  have seen the Red Fort
  8. went up the hill
  9.  is very high
  10. shall see you tomorrow
  11.  would see me the next day
  12.  have brought three letters for you
  13. visited the zoo yesterday
  14.  are not doing your work
  15. gave me ten rupees yesterday.

The Predicate parts of each of the following sentences is given in brackets. Complete the sentences  by putting it in right order :

  1. Some people……………………bridge, the, building, were)
  2. Someone…… (discovered, cure, a, has, malaria, for)
  3. You………. (answer, can, question, this)
  4. The students …………(their, respect, should, teachers)
  5. She………………..(work, do, the, must)
  6. You………………..(give, him, can, school, in a, job, your)
  7. They ……………….. (king, him, made)
  8. They ………………. (him, hospital, to, took)
  9. We ……..(call, doctor, a, should)
  10. Someone ………..(pen, the, left, yesterday, classroom, the, in)
  11. They ………..(all, made, had, arrangements, the)
  12. He …………………….. (letter, a, will, written, have)
  13. . Raju …………………….. (essay, an, has, written)
  14.  Geeta ………………..(singing, a song, sweet, was)
  15. Shakespeare …………………… (plays, number, a, of, wrote)


  1. Some people were building the bridge.
  2. Someone has discovered a cure for malaria.
  3. You can answer this question.
  4. The students should respect their teacher.
  5. She must do the work.
  6. You can give him a job in your school.
  7. They made him king.
  8. They took him to hospital.
  9. We should call a doctor.
  10. Someone left the pen in the classroom, yesterday.
  11. They had made all the arrangements.
  12. He will have written a letter.
  13. Raju has written an essay.
  14.  Geeta was singing a sweet song.
  15.  Shakespeare wrote a number of play.

Re-Ordering the words to
Frame Meaningful Sentences

(शब्दों को सही क्रम में रखकर अर्थपूर्ण वाक्यों की रचना करना) इसके पूर्व आप पढ़ चुके हैं कि वाक्य के दो प्रमुख भाग होते हैं-जैसे
(i) Subject
(ii) Predicate
साथ ही आप Subject तथा Predicate के विभिन्न भागों का भी अध्ययन कर चुके हैं। उसी के आधार पर शब्दों को सही क्रम में रखकर सार्थक वाक्य की रचना करना है, जैसे—-
It a was sight fine see to.
उपर्युक्त शब्दों का समूह वाक्य नहीं कहा जा सकता है क्योंकि इस शब्द समूह का अर्थ स्पष्ट नहीं है। इसे निम्नलिखित क्रम में रखने पर वाक्य की रचना होगी, जैसे
It was a fine sight to see. इसी प्रकार कुछ अन्य उदाहरणों को भी देखें
Part ‘A’                                                                        Part ‘B’
1. has the broken glass who?                      Who has broken the glass?
2. tell lies is sin a to.                                        To tell lies is a sin.
3. give me eat to please something.         Please, give me something to eat.
4. gives she milk me.                                      She gives me milk.
Part ‘A’ के शब्दों का समूह वाक्य नहीं है क्योंकि उनका सार्थक आशय नहीं निकलता है, किन्तु उन्हीं शब्द समूहों को जब Part ‘B’ में सही क्रम में रखा गया है, तो वे वाक्य बन गये हैं।
(नोट-शब्दों को सही क्रम में रखते समय Subject तथा Predicate और उनके क्रम को ध्यान में रखना चाहिए।)

Frame correct sentences by reordering the words in the following :

  1. It a was sight fine see to.
  2. Life not of bed roses is a.
  3. An idle mind workshop is devil’s a.
  4. We others at not laugh should.
  5. It his courage beyond is power my to describe.
  6. They exercises do morning every breakfast before.
  7. I saw over flying an the hill aeroplane.
  8. I a bicycle have bought new.
  9. The in playing are the garden children.
  10. so worried are they why?


  1. It was a fine sight to see.
  2. Life is not a bed of roses.
  3. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.
  4. We should not laugh at others.
  5. It is beyond my power to describe his courage.
  6. They do exercise every morning before breakfast.
  7. I saw an aeroplane flying over the hill.
  8. I have bought a new bicycle.
  9. The children are playing in the garden.
  10. Why are they so worried?

Frame correct sentences by reordering the words in the following :

  1.  He at dawn up gets everyday.
  2. A scooter I see on the road.
  3.  Raju comes never to late school.
  4. How open you did it?
  5. He help to promised me.
  6. Sarees in Kolkata are printed.
  7. School closed Rekha’s yesterday, was.
  8. They for a have also passion independence.
  9. There class in are thirty my boys.
  10. It dark is not growing.


  1. He gets up everyday at dawn.
  2. I see a scooter on the road.
  3. Raju never comes late to school.
  4.  How did you open it?
  5. He promised to help me.
  6. Sarees are printed in Kolkata.
  7. Rekha’s school was closed yesterday.
  8. They also have a passion for independence.
  9. There are thirty boys in my class.
  10. It is not growing dark.

We hope the UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 1 Parts of Sentence help you.