UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Suplementary Reader Chapter 4 On A Winter’s Night (Based on Munshi PremChand’s Story) (Poos Ki Raat)

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Suplementary Reader Chapter 4 On A Winter’s Night (Based on Munshi PremChand’s Story) (Poos Ki Raat)

Answer the following questions in not more than 25 words each :

Question 1.
Why did Halku not buy a blanket?
हल्कू ने कम्बल क्यों नहीं खरीदा?
Halku did not buy a blanket because he wanted to pay his debt first.
हल्कू ने कम्बल इसलिए नहीं खरीदा क्योंकि वह पहले अपना कर्ज चुकाना चाहता था।

Question 2.
Why did Halku want to give the money to Sohana?
हल्कू सोहन के रुपये क्यों देना चाहता था?
Halku wanted to give the money to Sohana because he did not like that Sohana should abusehim for debt.
हल्कू सोहन के रुपये इसलिए देना चाहता था क्योंकि वह नहीं चाहता था कि सोहन उसे कर्ज के लिए गाली दे।

Question 3.
What did Halku’s wife want him to do after giving up farming?
हल्कू की पत्नी उससे खेती छोड़ने के बाद क्या करने को कह रही थी?
Halku’s wife wanted him to work as labourer after giving up farming.
हल्कू की पत्नी चाहती थी कि वह खेती का काम छोड़कर मजदूर के रूप में काम करें।

Question 4.
Who enjoyed the fruits of labour of the farmers?
किसानों के परिश्रम के फल का आनन्द कौन उठाता था?
The rich land-owners enjoyed the fruits of labour of the farmers.
धनी जमींदार किसानों के परिश्रम के फल का आनन्द उठात थे।

Question 5.
Name three things that Halku did to keep himself warm that night.
वे तीन कार्य बताइये जो हल्कू ने उस रात अपने को पं रखने के लिए किये थे।
Halku did the following things to keep himself warın :
हल्कू ने अपने को गर्म रखने के लिए निम्नलिखित कार्य किये–
(i) He smoked his clay-pipe ten times.
उसने अपनी चिलम को दस बार पिया।
(ii) He kept Jhabra sleep next to him.
उसने झबरा को अपने बगल में सुलाया।
(iii) He lit fire in the orchard.
उसने बगीचे में आग जलायी।

Question 6.
Give one example to show that Jhabra loved Halku.
एक उदाहरण देकर बताइये कि झबरा हल्कू से प्यार करता था।
Jhabra slept beside Halku and it barked at cattle when they entered his field. This shows that Jhabra loved Halku.
झबरा हल्कू के बगल में सोया और जब जानवर उसके खेत में घुसे थे तब वह उन पर भौंक रहा था। यह प्रदर्शित करता है कि झबरा हल्कू से प्रेम करता था।

Question 7.
“I had severe stomach ache!” Why did Halku say this to his wife?
मेरे पेट में जोर का दर्द था।” हल्कू ने अपनी पत्नी से क्यों कहा?
Halku said these words to his wife so that she might not be angry for not driving the cattle away.
हल्कू ने अपनी पत्नी से इसलिये कहे ताकि वह जानवरों को न भगाने के लिए उससे नाराज न हो।

1.Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements :
निम्नलिखित कथनों में से प्रत्येक को पूरा करने के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त विकल्प चुनिए :

(i) Halku’s wife gave three rupees to Halku because :
(a) she wanted to invest them in the land
(b) she wanted to eat her bread in peace
(c) Halku wanted to buy some bread with them
(d) Halku was ill-treated by the money-lender
(ii) Halku’s wife wanted him to :
(a) pay all his debts
(b) give up farming
(c) invest money in the land
(d) work hard
(iii) Halku went out unwillingly because :
(a) he had no money to buy a blanket
(b) his wife had not treated him well
(c) he did not want to part with his savings
(d) he wanted to pay his debts
(iv) Halku could not sleep because :
(a) Jhabra lay under his cot
(b) he had only an old cotton sheet to wrap himself with
(c) the dog was barking
(d) the cattle were eating his crop
(i) (d) Halku was ill-treated by the money-lender.
(ii) (b) give up farming
(iii) (d) he wanted to pay bis debts.
(iv) (b) he had only an old cotton sheet to wrap himself with.
(C) Say whether each of the following statements is ‘true’ or ‘false’ :
बताइये कि निम्नलिखित कथनों में से प्रत्येक ‘सत्य’ है अथवा ‘असत्य’ :
(i) Sohana, the money-lender, owed money to Halku.
(ii) Sohana demanded some money from his wife to buy a blanket.
(iii) Halku and his wife were very poor and were under heavy debt.

(iv) Halku’s wife did not want anyone to abuse her husband.
(v) Jhabra and Halku kept on sleeping while the cattle kept on eating his crop.
(vi) Halku could not sleep in the night because he had a stomachache.
(vii) Halku lit a fire in the orchard to frighten away the cattle.
(viii) Jhabra loved his master very much.
(ix) Halku was poor but not dishonest.
(i) F, (ii) F, (iii) T,(iv) T, (v) F,(vi) F, (vii) F,(viii) T,(ix) T.
ASSIGNMENT ( कार्य) :
(D) Fill in the blanks with missing letters to complete the spelling of the following words :
निम्नलिखित शब्दों की वर्तनी को पूरा करने के लिए लुप्त अक्षरों की सहायता से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए
sh-v-r; ab-s–; 1-mb; inst–d; rel–f
shiver; abuses; numb; instead; relief