UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 1 The Inventor Who Kept His Promise.

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 1 The Inventor Who Kept His Promise.

These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 1 The Inventor Who Kept His Promise.


Answer the following questions in about 25 words :
Question 1.
who was Edison ? Describe the invention that made him famous all over America.
(एडीसन कौन था ? उस आविष्कार का वर्णन कीजिए जिसने उसे पूरे अमेरिका में प्रसिद्ध कर दिया।)
[2009, 17]
who was Edison? How did he become famous all over America ? [2013]
(एडीसन कौन था ? वह पूरे अमेरिका में कैसे प्रसिद्ध हुआ ?)
Edison was a famous American scientist who invented the electric light and gramophone that made him famous all over America. (एडीसनं एक प्रसिद्ध अमेरिकी वैज्ञानिक था जिसने विद्युत-प्रकाश और ग्रामोफोन का आविष्कार किया और पूरे अमेरिका में प्रसिद्ध हो गया।)

Question 2.
who invented electric light ?
(विद्युत-प्रकाश का आविष्कार किसने किया ?)
Edison invented electric light. (एडीसन ने विद्युत-प्रकाश का आविष्कार किया।)

Question 3.
what did Edison love in his childhood ?
(अपने बचपन में एडीसन किस वस्तु से प्रेम करता था ?)
Edison loved to do experiments in his childhood.
(अपने बचपन में एडीसन प्रयोग करने से प्रेम करता था।)

Question 4.
why was Edison taken out of school ? [2009, 11, 12]
(एडीसन को स्कूल से क्यों निकाल दिया गया ?)
Edison was taken out of school because his teacher thought that he was naughty and stupid.
(एडीसन को स्कूल से इसलिए निकाल दिया गया, क्योंकि उसकी अध्यापिका उसे शरारती तथा मूर्ख समझती थी।)

Question 5.
How did Edison find his mother the best teacher for him ?
(एडीसन ने अपनी माँ को किस प्रकार सबसे अच्छी अध्यापिका पाया ?) [2010, 13, 14,.17]
Edison found his mother as his best teacher because she always gave a satisfactory answer to his questions and helped him in all his experiments.
(एडीसन ने अपनी माँ को सबसे अच्छी अध्यापिका इसलिए पाया, क्योंकि वह सदैव उसके प्रश्नों का सन्तोषजनक उत्तर देती थीं और उसके परीक्षणों में उसकी सहायता करती थीं।)

Question 6.
What did Edison think when he saw the bird flying?
(जब एडीसन ने पक्षी को उड़ते हुए देखा तब उसने क्या सोचा ?)
When Edison saw the bird flying, he thought, “Man can also fly if he eats worms.
(जब एडीसन ने पक्षी को उड़ते हुए देखा तब उसने सोचा, “मनुष्य भी उड़ सकता है यदि वह कीड़े खाये।”)

Question 7.
what did Edison see at the poultry farm one day ?
(एक दिन मुर्गी फार्म पर एडीसन ने क्या देखा ?)
One day at the poultry farm Edison saw a hen sitting on its eggs.
(एक दिन मुर्गी फार्म पर एडीसन ने एक मुर्गी को अपने अण्डों पर बैठा हुआ देखा।)

Question 8.
why did the poor girl fall ill?what did Edison’s motherwarn him?
(गरीब लड़की बीमार क्यों पड़ गयी ? एडीसन की माँ ने उसे क्या चेतावनी दी ?)
Edison gave the poor girl a mixture of worms to drink. So she fell ill. Edison’s mother warned him not to do such silly experiments.
(एडीसन ने गरीब लड़की को कीड़ों का मिश्रण पीने के लिए दिया। इसलिए वह बीमार पड़ गयी। एडीसन की माँ ने उसे ऐसे मूर्खतापूर्ण प्रयोग न करने की चेतावनी दी।)

Question 9.
what was the funny experiment for which Edison was punished?
(एडीसन ने कौन-सा प्रयोग किया जिसके कारण उसे दण्डित किया गया ?)
why did Edison get a beating from his mother ? [2013] 
(एडीसन अपनी माता के द्वारा क्यों पिटा ?)
Once Edison saw a hen sitting on its eggs. His other told him that the hen was hatching its eggs so that chickens may come out of the eggs. The next morning he got a dozen of eggs and sat on them. He had only smashed the eggs and spoil his shorts. He got a good beating as punishment by his mother for his experiment.
(एक दिन एडीसन ने एक मुर्गी को अण्डों के ऊपर बैठे देखा। उसकी माँ ने उसे बताया कि मुर्गी अपने अण्डों को ‘से रही है जिससे कि चूजे अण्डों से बाहर आ सकें। अगले दिन एडीसन एक दर्जन अण्डे लाया और उन्हें सेने लगा। अण्डे टूट गये और उसकी निक्कर खराब हो गयी। इस पर उसे उसकी माता के द्वारा भली प्रकार पीटकर दण्डित किया गया।)

Question 10.
why did Edison join the railways ? How much did he earn on the first day ? [2011, 14, 17]
(एडीसन ने रेलवे-सेवा क्यों की ? पहले दिन उसने कितना पैसा कमाया ?)
Edison joined the railways to earn some money to meet the expenses on his experiments. He earned two dollars on the first day.
(एडीसन ने रेलवे-सेवा इसलिए की, क्योंकि उसे अपने परीक्षणों पर होने वाले खर्च के लिए धन की आवश्यकता थी। उसने पहले दिन दो डॉलर कमाये।)

Question 11.
why was Edison dismissed from his job ?
(एडीसन को नौकरी से क्यों निकाल दिया गया ?)
Edison was dismissed from his job because during a journey there was fire in the compartment of the train on account of his carelessness. (उसे नौकरी से इसलिए निकाल दिया, क्योंकि यात्रा के दौरान उसकी लापरवाही के कारण एक डिब्बे में आग लग गयी थी।)

Question 12.
what did Edison need more money for ?
(एडीसन को और अधिक धन की आवश्यकता क्यों थी ?)
Edison needed more money to carry on his experiments.
(अपने प्रयोगों को आगे जारी रखने के लिए एडीसन को और अधिक धन की आवश्यकता थी।)

Question 13.
Describe the important inventions made by Edison.
(एडीसन के द्वारा किए हुए मुख्य आविष्कारों का वर्णन कीजिए।) [2011, 12, 15, 16]
What inventions were made by Edison? [2017]
(एडीसन द्वारा कौन-से आविष्कार किए गए थे?)
Edison invented the gramophone and electric light besides many other inventions.
(एडीसन ने बहुत-से अन्य आविष्कारों के साथ-साथ विद्युत-प्रकाश और ग्रामोफोन का भी आविष्कार किया।

Question 14.
How did Edison become famous in America ?
(एडीसन अमेरिका में कैसे प्रसिद्ध हुआ ?)
Edison became famous in America by inventing the gramophone and electric light.
(ग्रामोफोन और विद्युत-प्रकाश के आविष्कार से एडीसन अमेरिका में प्रसिद्ध हो गया।)

Question 15.
After how many experiments did Edison succeed in inventing electric light ?
(कितने प्रयोगों के पश्चात् एडीसन ने विद्युत-प्रकाश के आविष्कार में सफलता पायी ?)
Edison succeeded in inventing the electric light after about twelve hundred experiments.
(एडीसन ने लगभग 1200 प्रयोगों के पश्चात् विद्युत-प्रकाश के आविष्कार में सफलता पायी।)

Question 16.
What did Edison promise to the people of America ?
(एडीसन ने अमेरिकावासियों को क्या वचन दिया था ?)  [2011, 14, 16, 17]
Edison promised to the people of America that he would give them electric light in two years.
(एडीसन ने अमेरिकावासियों को यह वचन दिया था कि वह दो वर्ष में उन्हें विद्युत प्रकाश दे देगा।)

Question 17.
when did the company manager give Edison a good job ?
(कम्पनी मैनेजर ने एडीसन को अच्छी नौकरी कब दी ?)
When Edison repaired a machine within a short time, the company manager gave him a good job.
(जब एडीसन ने मशीन को थोड़े ही समय में ठीक कर दिया तब कम्पनी मैनेजर ने उसे एक अच्छी नौकरी दे दी।)

Question 18.
In what way did Edison make the world happy ? [2009, 11, 12, 17, 18]
(एडीसन ने संसार को किस प्रकार खुशहाल बनाया ?)
Edison made the world happy by inventing the gramophone and electric light.
(एडीसन ने ग्रामोफोन और विद्युत-प्रकाश का आविष्कार करके संसार को खुशहाल बनाया।)

Question 19.
Why did his teacher think that Edison was stupid and naughty ?
(उसकी अध्यापिका ने यह क्यों सोचा कि एडीसन मूर्ख और शैतान है ?) [2012, 15, 16]
What made the teacher think that Edison was stupid and naughty ?
(अध्यापिका ने ऐसा कैसे सोचा कि एडीसन मूर्ख तथा शैतान है ?) [2009]
Edison asked his teacher different types of questions. So his teacher thought that Edison was stupid and naughty. (एडीसन अपनी अध्यापिका से अनेक प्रकार के प्रश्न पूछता था। इसलिए उसकी अध्यापिका ने सोचा कि एडीसन मूर्ख और शैतान है।)

Question 20.
How did Edison serve his country during the First World War ?
(प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के समय एडीसन ने अपने देश की किस प्रकार सेवा की ?) [2015, 17]
Why was Edison awarded a medal ? [2014, 15, 16]
(एडीसन को पदक क्यों प्रदान किया गया ?)
Edison served his country during the First World War by making forty war-time inventions. For this service he was awarded a medal. (एडीसन ने चालीस युद्धकालीन आविष्कार करके प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के समय अपने देश की सेवा की। इस सेवा के लिए उसे पदक प्रदान किया गया।)

Question 21.
How did Edison keep his promise to his countrymen ?
(एडीसन ने अपने देशवासियों को दिया अपना वायदा कैसे पूरा किया ?) [2011]
What promise did Edison keep ? [2013]
(एडीसन ने कौन-सा वायदा निभाया ?)
What was the promise that Edison kept ?
(वह कौन-सा वायदा था जो एडीसन ने निभाया ?)
Edison promised his countrymen to give them electric light. He did 1200 experiments and gave electric light to his countrymen. Thus he kept his promise.
(एडीसन ने अपने देशवासियों को विद्युत-प्रकाश देने का वचन दिया था। उसने 1200 प्रयोग किये और अपने देशवासियों को विद्युत-प्रकाश प्रदान किया। इस प्रकार उसने अपना वायदा पूरा किया।)

Question 22.
Edison said, “I would like to give to the world laughter and more light. Did he keep his word? How ? .
(एडीसन ने कहा था, “मैं संसार को अधिक खुशी और अधिक प्रकाश देना चाहता हूँ।’ क्या उसने अपने वचन को निभाया ? कैसे ?)
Yes, Edison kept his word by the invention of gramophone and gave more laughter while the invention of electric light gave more light and happiness to the world,
(हाँ, एडीसन ने अपने वचन को निभाया। उसने ग्रामोफोन के आविष्कार से अधिक खुशी प्रदान की, जबकि विद्युत प्रकाश के आविष्कार से संसार को और अधिक प्रकाश और खुशी प्रदान की।)

Question 23.
what happened on the Silver Jubilee of electric light ?
(विद्युत-प्रकाश की रजत जयन्ती पर क्या घटना घटित हुई ?)
At the Silver Jubilee of electric light the President of U.S.A. honoured Edison, and when Edison stood to thank the President he suddenly fell ill.
(विद्युत-प्रकाश की रजत जयन्ती पर अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ने उसका अभिनन्दन किया, परन्तु जब वह राष्ट्रपति को धन्यवाद देने को खड़ा हुआ तो वह अकस्मात् बीमार पड़ गया।)

Question 24.
How did the great and eventful life of Edison end ? [2012, 15]
(एडीसन के महान और गौरवशाली जीवन का अन्त कैसे हुआ ?)
In the Silver Jubilee function when Edison got up to thank the President, he suddenly fell ill and died on the morning of 18th October, 1931. Thus the great and eventful life of Socrates ended.
(रजत जयन्ती समारोह में जब एडीसन राष्ट्रपति को धन्यवाद देने के लिए उठे तभी वे अचानक बीमार पड़ गए और 18 अक्टूबर, 1931 की प्रात:काल उनका सवर्गवास हो गया। इस प्रकार एडीसन के महान् और गौरवशाली जीवन का अन्त हो गया।)

Question 25.
What did the other scientists say when Edison started work on an electric bulb ?
(जब एडीसन ने बिजली के बल्बे पर काम करना आरम्भ किया तब अन्य वैज्ञानिकों ने क्या कहा ?)
Why did all the scientists laugh at Edison ? [2014, 18]
(सभी वैज्ञानिक एडीसन पर क्यों हँसे ?)
When Edison started work on an electric bulb, other scientists laughed and said that it was impossible.
(जब एडीसन ने बिजली के बल्ब पर काम करना आरम्भ किया तब अन्य वैज्ञानिक हँसे और कहा कि यह असम्भव है।)

Question 26.
what did Edison promise to his mother ? How did he keep it ?
(एडीसन ने अपनी माँ से क्या वायदा किया? उसने इसे कैसे पूरा किया?) [2013]
Edison promised his mother to give him a dollar every night from what he earned. He gave him the money and kept his promise.
(एडीसन ने अपनी माँ से वायदा किया कि हर रात को जो कुछ वह कमाएगा उसमें से एक डॉलर उसे देगा। उसने अपनी माँ को धन दिया और वायदा निभाया।)

Question 27.
How did the fire accident occur ?
(आग की दुर्घटना कैसे घटी ?)
One day he was doing an experiment in his laboratory, the train turned round a corner. A bit of phosphorus fell on the floor of his carriage and it caught fire.
(एक दिन वह अपनी प्रयोगशाला में प्रयोग कर रहा था कि ट्रेन एके कोने पर मुड़ी, थोड़ा-सा फॉस्फोरस डिब्बे के फर्श पर गिर गया और आग लग गई।)

Question 28.
How did Edison’s father encourage him to read more books ?
(एडीसन के पिता ने उसे अधिक पुस्तकें पढ़ने के लिए कैसे प्रोत्साहित किया ?) [2015]
Why did Edison’s father give him twenty-five cents for every book ?
(एडीसन के पिता उसे प्रत्येक पुस्तक के लिए 25 सेण्ट क्यों देते थे ?)
Edison was fond of reading books. His father encouraged him by giving him 25 cents for reading a book.
(एडीसन पुस्तकें पढ़ने का बहुत शौकीन था। उसके पिता ने उसे एक पुस्तक, पढ़ने के लिए 25 सेण्ट देकर प्रोत्साहित किया।)

Question 29.
Which of the Edison’s inventions do you think is the most important and why ? [2010, 15]
(एडीसन कौन था ? उसके आविष्कारों में आप किसे महत्त्वपूर्ण समझते हैं और क्यों ?)
Describe the important invention made by Edison. [2015]
(एडीसन द्वारा बनाए गये महत्त्वपूर्ण आविष्कार का वर्णन कीजिए।)
Edison was brilliant scientist of his age. He is known for many useful inventions. But he is famous for the invention of electric bulb. Invention of electric bulb is boon for humankind. If he did not invent the electric bulb, then we live in darkness today.
(एडीसने अपने समय का प्रतिभाशाली वैज्ञानिक था। वह अपने बहुत-से महत्त्वपूर्ण आविष्कारों के लिए जाना जाता है। लेकिन वह विद्युत बल्ब के आविष्कार के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। विद्युत बल्ब मानव सभ्यता के लिए एक वरदान है। यदि वह विद्युत बल्ब का आविष्कार नहीं करता, तो हम आज भी अँधेरे में रहते।)

Question 30.
why has the life of Edison been called great and eventful ? [2016]
(एडीसन के जीवन को महान् और गौरवशाली क्यों कहा जाता है ?)
The life of Edison has been called great and eventful because he gave the world more laughter and more light by inventing gramophone and electric bulb.
(एडीसन के जीवन को महान् और गौरवशाली कहा गया है क्योंकि उसने ग्रामोफोन और विद्युत बल्ब का आविष्कार करके संसार को अधिक प्रसन्नता और अधिक प्रकाश दिया।)


Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements:

1. Edison told his teacher, “But the kites have no wings and still we can fly them in the sky. It was ……….. [2011, 14, 17]
(a) a silly statement.
(b) an intelligent statement.
(c) a doubtful statement.
(d) a wrong statement.

2. Edison gave his teacher ……….
(a) a silly answer.
(b) an intelligent answer.
(c) a doubtful answer.

3. When Edison went on asking questions in the class, the teacher thought that …………..
[2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17]
(a) he was trying to befool her.
(b) he was stupid and naughty. “
(c) he was very intelligent.
(d) arrogant

4. Edison was fond of …….. [2011, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
(a) telling stories.
(b) playing games.
(c) doing experiments.
(d) flying kites.

5. when Edison tried his experiment on his servant girl, …. [2013, 15, 16, 17, 18]
(a) she began to fly.
(b) she fell down on the ground.
(c) she fell ill.
(d) she started running.

6. Edison got a beating from his mother because ………. [2012, 14, 15, 16]
(a) he had smashed the eggs and spoilt his shorts.
(b) he had hatched the eggs.
(c) he had eaten up all the eggs.

7. Edison’s father gave him twenty-five cents for every book he read because ……… [2012, 15, 18]
(a) he had failed in all his experiments.
(b) he wanted Edison to read more.
(c) Edison’s ideas were wrong.
(d) he was a funny boy.

8. Electric light shone for the first time in America in …….. [2011, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
(a) 1878.
(b) 1880.
(c) 1882.
(d) 1872

9. The scientist who invented electric light was …….
(a) an Indian.
(b) an American.
(c) a German.
(d) an Austrian.

10. Edison was taken out of the school because …………… [2011, 15, 17]
(a) his teacher was dissatisfied with him and wanted him to be withdrawn from school.
(b) he was dissatisfied with the teacher.
(c) the teacher did not permit Edison to ask questions.

11. Edison’s parents took him out of the school because ……..
(a) they lacked money.
(b) the teacher asked them to do so.
(C) the teacher was mad.
(d) he was a dull boy.

12. Edison used his pocket money …..
(a) to buy sweets and chocolates.
(b) to buy books.
(c) to set up a small laboratory.
(d) to go out and see new places.

13. He invented gramophone in …
(a) 1882.
(b) 1878.
(c) 1898.
(d) 1888.

14. Edison became famous with the discovery of …………
(a) television.
(b) railway wagon.
(c) radio.
(d) gramophone.

15. Edison died on ……. [2014, 16, 17]
(a) 18th Oct. 1931.
(b) 13th Sept. 1929.
(c) 14th Sept. 1886.
(d) 2nd Nov. 1930.

16. Edison succeeded in making an electric bulb after nearly …….. [2012, 15, 18]
(a) one thousand experiments.
(b) two thousand experiments.
(c) one thousand and two hundred experiments.
(d) one thousand and five hundred experiments.

17. The teacher thought that Edison was :…………. [2013]
(a) stubborn and haughty
(b) a genius
(c) stupid and naughty
(d) very mischievous

18. The silver jubilee of the invention of electric bulb was celebrated in : [2016]
(a) 1878
(b) 1880
(c) 1882
(d) 1929


State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’:

1. Thomas Alva Edison was a German. [2011, 16, 17]
2. The teacher thought that Edison was stupid and naughty.
3. For Edison his mother was the best teacher. [2011, 12, 14, 16]
4. Young Edison found in his mother his tolerable teacher.
5. Edison bought toys and sweets with the pocket money his father gave him. [2012, 14, 16]
6. When Edison offered a wonderful mixture made from pulped worms to the servant girl, she refused to drink it.
7. Edison was born in Canada. [2009, 11, 14]
8. The Silver Jubilee of the invention of electric light was celebrated in 1929. [2014]
9. Edison was a dull boy during his student days. [2012, 15, 18]
10. Edison promised to give Americans electric light in one year.
11. Edison took up a job in the railways when he was just twelve years old.
12. Electric lights shone for the first time in America in 1880.
13. Edison did not serve his country during the First World War.
14. Edison died on 4th September, 1882.
15. Edison did not thank the President for the award. [2008]
16. Edison succeeded in inventing the electric light after performing a thousand experiments.
17. Edison served his country during the First World War. 18. Edison showed his talking machine to the President of the United States of America at the White House in Washington.
19. As a child, Edison was fond of asking questions. [2013, 17]
20. As a child, Edison was not fond of asking questions. [2012, 14]
21. Edison was taken out of school because he was a stupid boy.
22. Edison was fond of books and read a lot of them.
23. Edison was never satisfied till he got the right answer. [2009, 14, 15, 18]
24. Edison was a German scientist. [2009, 11, 16]
25. Some of Edison’s experiments were silly but he learnt a lot from them. [2009, 17]
26. Edison was born in India. [2012]
27. Edison got a beating from his mother because he had eaten all the eggs. .
28. Edison invented the gramophone in 1877.
29. Thomas Alva Edison was a great inventor of England. [2012, 15, 18]
30. Edison made the world happier and brighter.
31. Edison said, “I shall never invent anything which will destroy life. I want to make people happy.” [2010, 11, 12 16, 17]
32. The President of America invited Edison to the White House. [2010, 11]
33. On 4th Sept, 1882, for the first time, New York shone in the brightness of electric light.
[2011, 13, 17]
34. Even in his childhood Edison loved to do experiments. [2012, 14, 15, 16, 17]
35. Parents of Edison did not encourage him in his experiment. [2013, 18]
36. Edison was a great American sailor. [2013, 16]
37. The President of the USA received Edison and honoured him in a big function. [2013, 16]
38. Edison did not join the railways. [2013]
39. Edison made forty war-time inventions. [2014, 15]
40. Edison promised his mother to give her a dollar every night from what he earned. [2015]
41. Edison served his country during the World War II. [2015, 18]
42. Edison succeeded in making an electric bulb. [2015]
43. Edison joined the railways because he needed more money for his experiments. [2015]
44. Edison invented many things which can destroy life. [2015]
45. Edison was a great inventor but he was never awarded a medal for his inventions. [2016]
46. Thomas Alva Edison was a great singer. [2016]
47. Edison was born in England. [2016]
48. Edison made more than one thousand experiments. [2016, 17]
49. The invention of his talking machine made Edison famous all over America. [2017]
50. Edison was an Australian scientist. [2017]
1. F. 2. T. 3. T. 4. F. 5. F. 6. F. 7. F. 8. T. 9. T. 10. F. 11. T. 12. T. 13. F. 14. F. 15. T. 16. F. 17. T, 18. T, 19. T, 20. F, 21. T, 22. T, 23. T, 24. F, 25. T. 26. F, 27. F, 28. F, 29. F, 30. T, 31. T, 32. T, 33. T, 34. T, 35. T, 36. F, 37. T, 38. F. 39. T, 40. T, 41. F. 42. T. 43. T. 44. F, 45. F, 46. F, 47. F, 48. T. 49. T, 50. F.