UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Monthly Test Paper-1

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Monthly Test Paper-1

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Monthly Test Paper-1 are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Monthly Test Paper-1.

BoardUP Board
ClassClass 10
Test Paper NameMonthly Test Paper-1
CategoryUP Board Solutions

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Monthly Test Paper-1

Time : 1 Hour]
[Max. Marks : 10]

1. Debate : (For teacher)— Teacher will hold a debate in the class and will divide the whole class into two teams. The topic will be written on the blackboard and the teacher will give its short introduction. The students of one team will speak in favor of the topic and the students of the second team will speak against the topic. Every student should speak something and side by side the teacher will give marks on the basis of pronunciation, confidence, presentation, fluency, etc.

Topic : Use of mobile phone in classroom
2. Expression of feelings: Under this topic the students are asked to express their feelings on certain event.
(For teacher): The teacher will describe a road accident happened between a car and a cyclist. The students will listen it and will describe their own feelings.

3. Use any two of the following words in sentences of your own :
(i) sacred
(ii) wander about
(iii) exile
(iv) embraced

4. Give the opposite words of any two of the following:
(i) descend,
(ii) rapidly,
(iii) learned

5. Match the words under ‘A’ with their meanings under ‘B’:
UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Monthly Test Paper-1 1


1. Topic : Use of mobile phone in classroom.
Teacher : Dear children,
Today the topic of discussion is use of mobile phones in classroom. No doubt mobile has become the most common gadget nowadays. It has made communication between people very easy and cheap. In the field of mobile the distance and time have no meaning . We can talk a person any time and anywhere in the world. But these are the uses of mobile for general public at public places or at home. We have to discuss its use in classroom where the attention of students is focused only on their teacher and lesson. So team ‘A’ will speak in favor of the topic and team ‘B’ against it.

Points in its favor

Points against it


Mobile phone should not be banned in classroom.

Mobile phone in classroom must be banned.


Mobile phone provides convenience security and safetyNo doubt mobile provides us safety and security but in classroom we are automatically safe and secure.


We are away from home for about 6 or 7 hours. During this long period, mobile is the only means to keep parents and we in touch.No doubt we are away from home, we have facility of phone calls in the school office for outgoing as well as incoming calls.


Mis-happening does not knock anyone before hand. If it occurs, only mobile helps us to communicate.The student who has mobile phone in the class, shall definitely use it when any call is there on his mobile. Thus, he himself will be disturbed and will disturb others.


On our way from and to our school or home we may be detained in jam, only mobile helps us to be in touch.Many students misuse mobile in the class by listening to songs or playing games.


There may be any urgency on our part or part of parents, it is only mobile which keeps us in touch.Mobile phone in classroom is not a means of convenience but a means of indiscipline.


There is no arrangement of keeping our mobiles safe out of the class, hence we have to keep them in our pocket.Mobile phones disturb the classes.


We should switch off our mobile in the class. So there will be no disturbance.
So we are completely in favor of having mobile with us in classroom but without disturbing the learning teaching process.
Class is a place of learning and teaching not for playing games or listening songs or talking with others on mobile phones. So we are completely against having mobiles in classroom.

2. The teacher will describe an accident happening before the students like this:

Children ! Listen !

Last evening I saw an accident on a road side near. P.A.C. An old man was going on his bicycle on his left side on the edge of the road. A car came behind him and hit him. The old man fell down and had serious injury. A crowd of people gathered there but no one came forward to carry the old man to hospital. Suppose if you had been there, what feelings would have come in your mind? The students may express such types of feelings.

If I had witnessed this accident, I would have felt a great pity on the old man. Your description makes it clear that the old man was not the least at fault. So I would have compelled the car driver to carry the old man to the nearby hospital, to pay the full expenses for his treatment, to inform the family of the old man about this accident on his mobile, to ask an apology for his mistake in writing and to stay by the side of the old man till any member of old man’s family came there. I also would have been with the old man till the end.

3. (i) Haridwar is a sacred place for Hindus.
(ii) Nowadays many young men wander about in search of job.
(iii) Ram went to exile for fourteen years.
(iv) Many Hindus also embraced Muslims on the occasion of Eid.

4. (i) descend = ascend,
(ii) rapidly = slowly,
(iii) learned = foolish.

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 English Monthly Test Paper-1 2

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