UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce Chapter 8 Time and Labour Saving Appliances in Business Office

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce Chapter 8 Time and Labour Saving Appliances in Business Office

Time and Labour Saving Appliances in Business Office Objective Type Questions (1 Mark)

Question 1.
Which machines are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?
(a) Typing
(b) Punching
(c) Fax
(d) Calculating
(d) Calculating

Question 2.
Which machines provide a printed record of the items added?
(a) Fax
(b) Adding
(c) Punching
(d) Typing
(b) Adding

Question 3.
………… machine prints addresses on envelops, wrappers, news- paper etc.
(a) Fax
(b) Adding
(c) Calculating
(d) Addressing
(d) Addressing

Question 4.
………. developed punched card system.
(a) Dr. Harman Hallerith and Mr. James Pones
(b) Dr. Robert Desouza and Mr. James Pones
(c) Dr. Harman Hollerith and Dr. Robert Desouza
(d) Mr. S. G. William and Mr. James Pones
(a) Dr. Harman Hallerith and Mr. James Pones

Question 5.
A computer has ………… component units are section.
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 3
(b) 5

Time and Labour Saving Appliances in Business Office Definite Answer Type Questions (1 Mark)

Question 1.
Write the name of machines which make many copies of certain letters or other documents?
Duplicating Machines or Duplicators.

Question 2.
What kind of machine is used to affix stamps on outward letters and envelops?
Franking Machine.

Question 3.
Name of the machine which can be sent letter, table, chart, graph etc. in printed form is a place to another in no time.
Fax Machine.

Question 4.
What kind of machine is very useful in these undertakings or departments which have a very large client etc.
Addressing and mailing machines.

Question 5.
Name of the machine which records the time of arrival and departure of an employee.
Time Records.

Question 6.
What for time Recording Machine is used in an office? (UP 2013)
Time Recording machines record the time of arrival and departure of an employee.

Question 7.
What for photostat machine is used in an office? (UP 2012)
Offices may require a number of copies of certain letters or other documents. By Photo state machine obtaining a number of copies of the master impression.

Time and Labour Saving Appliances in Business Office Very Short Answer Type Questions (2 Marks)

Question 1.
What are the various kinds of Typewriters available in the market?
Various types of typewriters are available in the market. Standard typewriter, Portable Typewriter, Noiseless and Electronic Typewriter are main.

Question 2.
Name the component units of a computer.
A computer has five component units or sections:

  • Input Unit
  • Memory or Storage Unit
  • Arithmetic Unit
  • Control Unit
  • Output Unit.

Question 3.
What are the two main types of “adding machines”?
Adding machines can be of two main types:

  • Listing Machine
  • Non-listing Machine.

Question 4.
What is the use of calculating machine?
Calculating machine is used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Question 5.
Write the name of anyone time and labour saving machine. (UP 2015, 18)

Time and Labour Saving Appliances in Business Office Short Answer Type Questions (4 Marks)

Question 1.
Write a short note on “Book-keeping Machine”.
The most important and perhaps the most advanced mechanical device used in big business offices is the book-keeping machine. It can post ledgers, make statements, prepare payroll and add and subtract. The sheets are inserted in the machine and amount keys are pressed. The whole thing is printed and balances are automatically extracted. Such machines are largely used in big business houses of America and England, and no are most helpful for insurance and banking companies. The important makers of this machine are the Burroughs, the Remington and the Elliot Fisher.

Question 2.
How does the “Stencil Duplicator” operate.
A stencil is a special kind of coated tissue paper on which matter can be written with a special kind of nib called ‘Stylers’ or on a ‘typewriter’ by remaining the ribbon. The stencil gets punched by pressure from stylers on typewriter key. The cut stencil is then put on the machines. The stencil is then put on the machines. The stencil gets ink through the cuts on it and imprints the matter on the duplicating paper placed therein. The duplicating machine called ‘Mimeograph’ can be hand-operated or electrically operated.

Question 3.
Explain in brief any four main appliances used in an office.

  1. Adding Machines: These machines are quite widely used in offices because addition is the most common operation performed by the office clerks.
  2. Calculating Machine: These machines are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculating machines contribute greatly to business efficiency by eliminating chances of errors and by relieving the office clerks of routine and tiring mental work.
  3. Time Recorders: Time recorders are the machines which record the time of arrival and departure of an employee.
  4. Duplicating machines or Duplicators: Offices may require a number of copies of certain letters or other documents. Duplicating is a process of obtaining a number of copies of the master impression.

Question 4.
State any four main uses of a computer. (UP 2019)

  1. The Businessmen are using computer to the internet with their customers anywhere in the world.
  2. An organisation can use computers for marketing their products.
  3. People can manage the office work at home through computer.
  4. Computer can also be used in the education field.

Time and Labour Saving Appliances in Business Office Long Answer Type Question (8 Marks)

Question 1.
Describe four labour and time-saving device in business offices. (UP 2015, 17)
The following are the main time and labour saving appliances:
(a) Typewriter: This is the most common medical and for writing. It infused not only for need and clean writing but also for the fact that a number of copies can be made with the use of carbon or stencil. Typewriters are available in different sizes and have different technological sophistication. Various types of typewriters are available. Standard typewriter, portable typewriter, Noiseless and Electronic Typewriter are main.

(b) Book-keeping Machine: The most important and perhaps the most advanced mechanical service used in big business offices in the book-keeping machine. It can fast ledgers, make statements, prepare payrolls and add and subtract. The stutes are inverted in the machine and amount keys are pressed. The whole thing is printed and balances are automatically extracted. Such machines are largely used in big business houses of America and England and are most helpful for insurance and banking companies. The important makers of this machine are the Burnougts, the Remington and the Elliot-Fister.

(c) Time Recorder: Time recorders are the machines which record the time of arrival and departure of an employee. The Cled fill Book Time Recorder in a good mape. Time recording machines are mostly used in big factories where thousands of workers on duties and the task of recording the time of their arrival and departure accordingly is not ordinarily possible.

These machines are like a big clock. Each worker is given a card bearing a number. As soon as he comes to the factory, he has to insert the card into the machine and a slight pressure prints the time of his arrival. The same thing has to be done at the time of departure. An official goes through these cards and can easily detect those who can take or go early. It is of great help in ensuring punctuality on the part of the workers.

(d) Funded Card System: Funded card system is a system of accounting in which the accounting data contained in primary discounts in transcribed into a number of holes in a card known or punched card. In other words, the sake which was recorded in the ledger and other books in words and figures may be recorded in code by making holes on the cards. Or Harman Hollerith and Mrs James Pones were the first to develop this method for processing census data.

UP Board Solutions for Class 10 Commerce