UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 15 Long Composition

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 15 Long Composition

These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 15 Long Composition

An Ideal Teacher

1. Introduction,
2. His dress and appearance,
3. His behaviour,
4. His method of teaching,
5. His qualities.

1. Introduction :

There are many teachers in my college. I respect all of them but I like Shri GP. Sharma most. He is an M.A., L.T. He teaches me Hindi. He is my also class teacher.

2. His dress and appearance:

He puts on simple clothes. In summer he puts on a dhoti and a shirt. In winter he puts on a sweater and woollen coat also. He uses a cap on his head. He is about forty years old. He is tall, healthy and well-built. He is always happy.

3. His behaviour:

His behaviour is not harsh. He is kind towards all the students and friendly to teachers. His habits are of a sweet-tempered man. His manners are very charming.

4. His method of teaching:
His method of teaching is effective. His lessons are very interesting. Even the weakest student follows him easily. He is the master of his subject.

5. His qualities:

He has many good qualities. He is a man of good character. He is regular, punctual and hardworking. He does not waste his time in the class. He keeps his students busy all the time. He is kind-hearted. He helps poor and needy
students by giving them books. He is also a good sportsman. He is a man of principle. He is an ideal teacher. So I like him most.

The Cow

1. Colour and size,
2. Food,
3. Her habits,
4. Usefulness.

1. Colour and size:

Cows are of many colours. Some cows are white, some are black and some are brown. A cow is generally four feet high and six feet long. She has four legs, two ears, two horns and a long bushy tail.

2. Food:
The cow eats green grass and straw. She likes to eat oil cake also. She relishes green vegetables and fruitskins.

3. Her habits:

The cow is a gentle animal. She does not hurt anybody. Some cows are simple that children play near them. Hindus called her ‘Gau Mata’.

4. Usefulness:

The cow is very useful to us. She gives us milk. Her milk makes us healthy. It is very useful for the children. We make butter, ghee and curd from her milk. She gives us calves who pull carts and plough the fields. Her dung is used as manure and fuel. Shoes and other leather articles are made from her skin. We make combs, buttons and many other things from her horns. In short the cow is a very useful animal. This is why the Hindus worship her.

My Ideal Friend/My Best Friend

1. Introduction,
2. His dress and habits,
3. His hobbies,
4. His qualities.

1. Introduction:

“A friend in need is a friend indeed.” I have many friends but, I like Suresh the best of all. He is a friend indeed. He is an ideal student. His father is a teacher. His mother is a religious lady. He is sixteen years old.

2. His dress and habits:

He puts on simple dress. He is very simple by nature. He is very polite. He is never angry. He is always ready to help others.

3. His hobbies:

He has many hobbies. He sings, paints and collects coins and stamps. He has collected coins and stamps.of different sizes and of many countries. He is also very fond of reading good books.

4. His qualities:
He has many good qualities. He bears a good moral character. He always helps me in need. He never tells a lie. He is regular in his morning walk. He is honest and hardworking. He respects and obeys his teachers, parents and elders. He does not waste his time. He is neither proud nor selfish. He never makes a noise in the class. He is a good player of hockey and volleyball. His behaviour towards his elders is praiseworthy. He is a true scout. I am proud of him.

An Indian Farmer

1. Introduction,
2. Home,
3. Education,
4. Daily Life,
5. Source of Enjoyment,
6. Efforts of Improvement.

1. Introduction :
India is an agriculture country. Most of its people live in villages. The main occupation of its people is farming. The Indian farmer is generally a simple man. He wears Dhoti and Kurta of Khaddar. He does not get time to be sad as he is always busy in his work.

2. Home:

He is hard-working yet he is poor. Many farmers live in huts. Some live in ordinary houses made of mud. There are thatches on them. They are very small. They are not airy. Some rich farmers have built pucca houses.

3. Education:
A farmer is often uneducated and illiterate. His knowledge is based on old ideas. He is superstitious. Now many farmers try to know new methods of farming. They know much about fertilizers and pesticides..

4. Daily Life:

A farmer generally rises early in the morning. He goes to his field with his bullocks and a plough. He starts working and works till his wife brings food for him at noon. He takes his food and then takes rest for sometime. Then he starts his work. He goes on working till evening. In the evening he returns home. Such is the life of an Indian farmer.

5. Source of Enjoyment:
At night he goes to chaupal. He enjoys songs and dramas. Sometimes he smokes hukka. He likes the stories of Alha-Udal. Sometimes he goes to fairs also.

6. Efforts of Improvement:
A farmer is the backbone of our society. The progress of our country is based on the improvement of his condition. So the government should improve his condition.

The Postman

1. Introduction,
2. His work,
3. His uniform and dress,
4. His salary,
5. His condition,
6. Conclusion.

1. Introduction:
At nine O’clock the door-bell rings. We run to open the door. How happy we are when we see the postman with letters for us !

2. His work:

The postman is a very important man and is very popular with everybodyyoung and old. He brings us news from our friends and relations and sometimes money too. Sometimes he brings us bad news.

3. His uniform and dress :

Generally the postman wears a Khaki uniform. But sometimes for a change, he wears ordinary clothes. He carries a leather bag which contains letters, parcels, money-orders and cash. Most postmen use bicycle but there are some who prefer walking.

4. His salary:
The postman does not get a big salary but he works very hard. He performs his duty faithfully—whether it is hot summer or cold winter. He is always active.

5. His condition:
In the old days the postman was not very well educated. It was enough if he knew how to read and write English and Hindi. But today many postmen are graduates.

6. Conclusion:
When we think of the hard work that the postman does to bring us news, we admire him. He deserves all praise.

My Town Or Your Town

1. Name of the town,
2. Location,
3. Around the town,
4. Its importance.

1. Name of the town:

The town I live in is famous for one reason—it has been the home of the Prime Minister of India. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru was brought up in Allahabad, Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri had a house at Allahabad and Smt. Indira Gandhi was born here. Anand Bhawan, donated to the nation by the Prime Minister, is now a place of historical importance.

2. Location:

Allahabad is situated near the Sangam, the place where the two rivers—the Ganga and the Yamuna, meet. Thousands of visitors and pilgrims come to Allahabad just to have a dip in the Sangam.

3. Around the Town:

It is a calm and quiet city, because there are not many industries around. Naini, a superb of Allahabad, however, is now developing fast industrially. There is the big Agriculture Institute, the Indian Telephone Industries and the factory of Universal Tyres. A glass factory is also going to be built there shortly. Allahabad proper has the Geep lash Light Factory which makes batteries.

4. Its Importance:

There are a few spots in Allahabad which have scenic beauty. There, are the old but majestic stone buildings of the High Court and the offices of the various departments. There are other attractions for visitors too. Allahabad is famous as a seat of learning. The main office of the Board of High School and Intermediate Education is situated in Allahabad. The headquarter of the Education Department of Uttar Pradesh is located. We are proud of our town.

A Festival : ‘Diwali’ Or A Festival

1. Name of the Festival,
2. The time of celebration,
3. Preparation for the festival,
4. How I celebrated,
5. Conclusion.

1. Name of the festival:

The name of the festival is Diwali. It is a famous festival of Hindus. It is celebrated throughout the country with great pomp and show. It is known as the festival of lights.

2. The time of celebration:

Diwali festival is celebrated in the month of Kartika. Generally it falls in the month of November of every year. Some people believe that Rama returned to Ayodhya after killing Ravana, the king of Lanka, on this day. So people lighted earthen lamps in their houses to welcome Rama. Some people believe that the demon Narkasur was killed by Lord Krishna. According to Jainism Lord Mahavir got salvation on this day.

3. Preparation for the festival:

Diwali is celebrated with great pomp and show. Houses are cleaned and white-washed. Different kinds of decorations are made before the festival. On the very day houses, shop and temples are illuminated with earthen lamp and electric bulbs.

4. How I celebrated :

This year, I enjoyed Diwali with great joy. I cleaned my house and got it white washed. All the doors and windows were painted, balloons, beautiful pictures and flowers were used to decorate the house. I enjoyed delicious feast at evening. The whole house was illuminated with earthen lamps and electric bulbs in the night. I let off fire works with my friends.

5. Conclusion:

Diwali is one of the famous festivals of India. It reminds us about Lord Rama and Lord Mahavir. But there are some social evils associated with the festival. Some people drink and gamble on the day of Diwali. It is bad custom, we should try to remove these evils.

The Principal of Your College

1. Name and Qualificati on,
2. Dress,
3. Habits and Behaviour,
4. His qualities.

1. Name and Qualification:
The name of my Principal is Sri Sunder Lal Verma. He is fifty years old. He is a post-graduate. He is an M.A.L.T.

2. Dress:
His clothes are not costly. He puts on white clothes. He believes in simple living and high thinking. In winter he puts on brown suits. He uses a cap on his head.

3. Habits and Behaviour:

He is an early riser. He is regular in his work. He hates late coming. He is hard working, sincere and honest. He is always sweet tempered and sweet tongued. His behaviour is very fine. He does not abuse his servants. He does not beat his students. He is father like to them. I have never seen him angry.

4. His Qualities:
He has many good qualities. He is a man of good character. He is a hard working man. He believes in simple life. He is very regular, punctual and honest. He does not waste his time. He is kind hearted, gentle and peace loving. He helps poor students. He is also a good sportsman. He is a man of principle. He is a good administrator too. I like him most.

My Favourite Book
Or The Book You Like Most

1. Name of the book and the author,
2. Theme of the book (Description),
3. Its languages and style,
4. Reasons for liking it,
5. Conclusion.

1. Name of the book and the author:

I am fond of reading books. Reading books is my hobby. I have read so many books. The Ramcharit Manas is one of them. I like it very much. I read it again and again. Its author is Goswami Tulsidas. He was a famous poet.

2. Theme of the book (Description):

There is vivid story of Lord Ram who was the eldest son of Dashratha. Dashratha was the famous king of Ayodhya. Ram was set into forest for fourteen years. Sita who was his wife also went to the forest. His brother Laxman was with him. In the forest Sita was carried off forcibly by Ravan; the king of Lanka. Ram killed Ravan and came back to Ayodhya after fourteen years.

3. Its languages and style:

‘The Ramcharit Manas’ is an epic. It is written in Hindi. Sanskrit is also used in it. It is in verse. Tulsidas has written so many books. All books are written in “Awadhi”, so the Ramcharit Manas is also in Awadhi.

4. Reasons for liking it :
I like the book very much. Its language is musical and simple. It is full of wisdom. It is a store house of ideals which have worthy to be followed: Before us it presents a picture of an ideal society. It points out that the evil is punished and the good prevails in the end.

5. Conclusion:

Due to all the above qualities, the Ramcharit Manas is very popular in India. It is widely read with devotion. The Hindus worship it. It is also known as the “Ramayan’. I like it very much. I read it everyday.

My Visit to A Fair

1. Introduction,
2. Scene at the ghats,
3. Description of the fair,
4. Conclusion.

1. Introduction:
The Ganga is a holy river. In the month of Kartik, Ganga fairs are held at many places. Varanasi is one of them. Once I had a chance to go to this fair with my friends.

2. Scene at the ghats:

We went to the fair by the train take. We went directly to the ghat, where our friends were waiting for us. We went to take bathe in the Ganga. There was a very big crowd on the ghats. Police constables and volunteers were on duty. Boats were moving in the river. After bathing we came back to a hotel.

3. Description of the fair:

In the evening, we went to the fair. There were two lines of shops. They were well-decorated. We made some purchases in the market. When night befell, there was light everywhere. It looked very beautiful, we felt hungry. So we took sweets and tea. Then we went to see the circus. We came back to hotel at 12 O’clock in the night

4. Conclusion:

Fairs are very useful. There we meet many of our friends and relatives. We see many new things. We also learn some new things. We forget our sorrows. We enjoy them much.

A Visit To A Zoo

1. Introduction,
2. Visit to the Zoo,
3. Scene At Zoo,
4. Conclusion.

1. Introduction:
Last Sunday, I with my friends went to visit Delhi Zoo. It is near Pragati Maidan.

2. Visit to the Zoo:
We bought tickets and went inside. It was very interesting.

3. Scene At Zoo:
We saw some animals and birds in cages. At first, we went to see the animal section. We saw many animals there such as lions, tigers, monkeys, leopard , slogs , zebras etc. We became very happy to see monkeys jumping. We rode on elephant. Then we saw the birds section. We saw peacocks, parrots, pigeons and many other birds. They all looked very nice.

4. Conclusion:
We got much joy to see the zoo. The zoo is a very lovely place. I like it very much.

A Visit To A Historical Place
Or Visit to an Important Place (2010 DG)

1. Introduction,
2. The Place of Historical Importance,
3. The Historical Background.

1. Introduction:
Yesterday, I went to Delhi from Bareilly. I wanted to see a historical place. There are many historical buildings in Delhi.

2. The Place of Historical Importance :

The Red Fort, Jama Masjid and Qutub Minar are the important historical buildings in Delhi. The Red Fort is built of red stones. It was built by Shah Jahan. The Qutub Minar is about twelve miles away from Delhi station. Its founder was Qutubuddin, the first slave Sultan. Chandni Chowk and Connaught Place are the main markets  of  Delhi. I saw all these places besides the Parliament House Jantar Mantar and Birla Mandir.

3. The Historical Background:
But I like the Red Fort very much. It is the monument which narrates the glory of Indian art and culture; witnessing various turns in the India’s struggle for freedom. On 15th August, 1947, the first Prime Minister of independent India, Pt. Nehru hoisted the Indian national flag of tri-colour on Red Fort. I feel very proud of it.

My Mother

1. Introduction,
2. Her Nature,
3. Her Qualities,
4. Conclusion.

1. Introduction :
I am Meena. I am the daughter of Mrs. Shamo Rani. She is a post graduate retired English teacher. She loves me very much as I am her eldest daughter.

2. Her Nature:

She is fair, active and religious minded. She herself does most of the household work.  She likes cleanliness. She is daring, dashing and brave. She teaches me daily for two hours. She is always busy doing one thing or the other.

3. Her Qualities:

She hates telling lies and speaking ill of others. She is very sweet tempered. She is very honest and intelligent. She believes in simple living and high thinking. She helps the poor. She behaves well and she is never angry.

4. Conclusion:

She is a religious minded lady. She loves each and every member of the family. She is like a goddess on earth. I love my mother very much.

My Father

1. Introduction,
2. His Dress and Behaviour,
3. His Qualities,
4. Daily Life,
5. Conclusion.

1. Introduction:

I am Mukesh Jain. My father is Shri S. K. Jain. He is a doctor. He has a grand personality. He is fifty yet he is smart and active.

2. His Dress and Behaviour:

He is a simple man. He is always neat and clean. He wears white shirt and white pant. His dress is always pressed and well-maintained. In winter, he wears woollen clothes. He is very kind and gentle too. Everybody likes and respects him.

3. His Qualities:

My father is a man of character. He always helps the poor and needy. He is popular among his neighbours. People respect him and come to him for advice. He is religious minded. Every day, he goes to temple and worships there for an hour. Daily Life My father gets up early in the morning. He goes for a walk daily. He gets ready for his daily work. He leaves the house at 10 o’clock and goes to Municipal hospital. He returns from there at 4 o’clock. Then he looks after us.

4. Conclusion:

My father is a gentleman. He is a famous doctor in the district. He is always busy in doing one thing or the other. He hates telling lies and speaking ill of others. I am proud of him. I love him very much.

My School Or College
Or An Ideal School

1. Name and Situation,
2. Building,
3. Library,
4. Play Ground,
5. Conclusion.

1. Name and Situation:

The name of my school is C.A.V. Inter College, Allahabad. It is situated in the heart of the city.

2. Building:

It has a very large double-storeyed building. The main building of the school consists of the three blocks. Our classes run in the main building. It has about twenty rooms with a big hall. There are four laboratories for Science and Biology. All the rooms are airy and well-ventilated. Electric light and fans are fitted in every room. The hall of the school is very big. General meetings are held here. The Principal’s Office is in the middle of the building. There are some quarters for the peons. It has well-furnished canteen too.

3. Library:

The main attraction of the college is its library. There are two big rooms. There is a regular issue of books. The strength of the college is about six thousand. The staff members are one hundred and fifty. All students and teachers get books issued from the library. There are two reading rooms, one for the teachers and the other for the students. Newspapers and magazines are put on the tables to read.

4. Play Ground:

We are lucky to have two play grounds. They are well-maintained. Our game superintendent is very expert. He is very careful about the play grounds. We enjoy our games daily in the evening. Some students go to play in the vacant periods.

5. Conclusion:

Our college is a reputed college in the district. Students from rural areas also come to get their admission. We are proud of it.

A Rainy Day

1. Introduction,
2. Day and Month,
3. Pleasant weather.

1. Introduction:

It rains generally in the month of July and August. Some times it rains so heavily that it becomes very difficult to come out of the houses.

2. Day and month:

It was the second week of July. On Monday the 20th, it was very hot. It was very difficult to move out. Suddenly the weather changed. A few patches of clouds were seen in the sky. Soon the cool breeze blew and it began to drizzle. After sometime, it began to rain heavily. It was the time to go to school. So I took my books and an umbrella and started for school. On the way I was completely wet. When I reached the school, I saw that some other boys who had come were also wet. The attendance was very short. Due to thick clouds there was darkness in the class rooms. So the Principal declared it a rainy day. We were all very happy.

3. Pleasant weather:

While we were returning we saw wonderful sights. There was kneedeep water on the roads. Children were floating paper boats in the water. Some street boys were throwing mud balls at one another. There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. The weather was very cool and pleasant. Every one was looking happy on that day. When I reached home. I changed my clothes and had a cup of tea. After this I sat in the varandah with my parents and enjoyed the rain. I enjoyed the day very much.

My Idea of A Model Village
Or My Village

1. Introduction,
2. Spreading of education,
3. Arrangements of hospitals,
4. Teaching good habits.

1. Introduction :

India is a land of villages. About seventy percent people live in villages. The villagers are very poor. It is our duty to improve them.

2. Spreading of education:
The most important thing is education. Most of the villagers cannot read or write. So we should start night schools for them.

3. Arrangements of hospitals:

The villagers do not get medicines when they fall ill. So we should build hospitals for them in villages. There should be well qualified doctors in these hospitals to look after them.

Teaching good habits:
The villagers have some very bad habits. They drink and smoke. They spend much money on marriages and other ceremonies. They should be taught that all these things are bad. They should be asked to avoid them to make their lives comfortable.

Prize Distribution Function
Or College Function
Or The Prize Distribution Function of Your School

1. Introduction,
2. Preparation,
3. Reception of the chief guest,
4. Cultural Programme,
5. Prize Distribution,
6. Thanks by the Principal,
7. Conclusion.

1. Introduction:
A college week was celebrated in our college this year. December 15, was the closing day when the Prize distribution function was held.

2. Preparation:

The college was decorated beautifully. A carpet was spread from the gate-up to the rostrum. All the students were in their clean uniform.

3. Reception of the chief guest :

The District Magistrate was the chief guest. He came in his car, followed by his retinue. He was received warmly by the Principal and taken to the rostrum.

4. Cultural Programme :

A very interesting but short cultural programme was displayad. The girl students presented a very good folk song and a dance. I also took part in it. I sang a filmi song.

5. Prize Distribution:

The chief guest distributed the prizes and certificates. The winner teams of the other institutions also received prizes. The District Inspector of Schools encouraged the prize winner by shaking hands with them.

6. Thanks by the Principal:

The Principal thanked the chief guest in a very humble tonc. All appreciated it.

7. Conclusion:
In the end, sweets were distributed among the students. We enjoyed it much.

A Cricket Match
Or Your Favourite Game

1. Introduction,
2. Description,
3. Conclusion.

1. Introduction:
It was the Republic Day. A cricket match was played between two collegesK.P. Inter College and C.A.V. Inter college in the evening. Both the teams came at 3 p.m. K.P. Inter College batted first.

2. Description:

Ravi, the captain of K.P. Inter College; was run out. He scored twenty runs. Vikas, the captain of C.A.V. Inter College team scored only ten runs. His show was poor. Rajesh opened magnificently. He scored eighty runs. The team of K.P. Inter College scored 210 in fifty overs. The players of C.A.V. Inter College disappointed us. Only Mohan, opened fairly well. He scored valuable 61 runs. The fielding of K.P. Inter College was weak. But C.A.V. Inter College could not take advantage of it. The match was highly thrilling and exciting. C.A.V. Inter College needed only 25 runs in three overs and five batsmen were to come. But it could not score even 10 runs. So C.A.V. Inter College lost the match.

3. Conclusion:

The match was very interesting. It was full of ups and downs. Fortune smiled sometimes this side and sometimes that side. Some players of C.A.V. Inter College played well but they could not score well. The team of K.P. Inter College played somehow well and won the match.

The Importance of Newspapers

Hints :
1. Introduction,
2. Usefulness,
3. Collection of Material,
4. Importance,
5. Conclusion.

1. Introduction :

The word ‘News’ is an amalgam of four letters ‘N’, ‘E’, ‘W’ and ‘S’, which stand for North, East, West and South respectively. Newspapers play a very important role in our lives. It is a very strong means of communication. They give news and views.

2. Usefulness:

Newspaper gives the daily news of what is happening round the world. It also gives information about the main incidents round the world. There are lots of daily newspapers such as “The Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, The Times of India, The Economic Times” etc. These newspapers give information about politics, sports, share market and prices of our daily needs etc. They increase our knowledge and wisdom. We learn much about the world’s events from newspapers. They broaden our outlook. They change our views. They guide common people of the country.

3. Collection of Material:

The reporters of the newspapers collect the news from their own sources and from different news agencies and then publish it. The newspapers also give educational and classifieds columns. These are very educative and informative.

4. Importance:

Newspapers give every information about the incidents that take place all around the world. The paper boys called hawkers distribute the newspapers to the customer’s houses early in the morning.

5. Conclusion:

The newspapers are a very useful source of education and information.

Television and Its Effects
Or Television – A Boon or A Curse
Or Television – Uses and Abuses

Hints :
1. Introduction,
2. Effect and usefulness,
3. Conclusion.

Television is the greatest gift of science to us. It is one of the greastest inventions of science.

Effect and Usefulness:
It has both good and bad effects. Its good effects are more than its bad effects. Television shows  serials on epics which help people to understand each other’s religion. It shows many quiz programmes which increase our knowledge. It shows us the latest happening in the world through news. It helps people to learn different languages. Its bad effects arevery harmful. Over viewing of serials can effect the eyes. Extra use of television results in a wastage of time. It disturbs the mind of students in studies.

3. Conclusion:
The vulgar serials lead persons to bad habits. But if it is used properly then it is one of the greatest blessings of science.

Is Science A Blessing
A Curse!
Or Science Is A Good Servant But A Bad Master

Hints :
1. Introduction,
2. Important blessings of science,
3. Curses of science,
4. Misuse of science,
5. Conclusion.

1. Introduction:

It is difficult to blame science for all the ills of the world. Similarly, it is childish to lavish praises on science like a slave of all the blessings it has given us. In itself, science is only a systematized body of knowledge which man has earned with his own endeavour. It is neither good nor bad by itself. It is a gift of knowledge possessed by man. Ultimately, it is the man, who is more important than his gift. It all depends on how he uses the gift of science, whether he uses science in the interest of human happiness and prosperity or whether he uses it to destroy humanity.

2. Important blessings of science:

So, numerous are the blessings of science that it would be difficult to enumerate them. That science has made human life comfortable and prosperous, will be readily admitted by all. Time and space have been conquered and nature has been completely subjugated. Diseases have been controlled and the economic standard of man has been vastly increased. He has the finest means of recreation at home, while books, magazines and periodicals provide him with ample food for thought.

Curses of science:
While, this is the gay side of life, its ugly side cannot be lost sight of. Science has made us grossly materialistic in our outlook. We have become selfish and greedy and are thinking in terms of our own advancement at the cost of others. Society has been divided between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ and a grim class conflict is staring us in the face. Science has placed terrible weapons of mass destruction in the hands of man, so that, he can destroy the whole world within minutes. The world is divided into powerful military blocks, intent on large scale mass massacre of humanity and complete extinction of human civilization.

Misuse of science:
While all this is true, the question is, who is really responsible for all this calamity–science or man. Really, it is the man who is to be blamed for all his misfortunes. He has been constantly misusing science for his own selfish ends. The aeroplane, for example, as the swiftest means of communication, is certainly a big blessing of science, but man, in his madness, has been using it for dropping deadly bombs and devastating thickly populated cities. The atom bomb will destroy the world but the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes can turn this world into heaven. So, it is not science, but its use or misuse is a significant point. Science is neither a blessing nor a curse. It is for its user—the man-to decide whether he wants to use science as a blessing or misuse it as a curse.

Ultimately, man is the master of science and not science, the master of man. Science is meant for man and not man for science. Science is the servant of man and man should use science wisely and discretely.

We hope the UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 15 Long Composition help you.