UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 10 The Parts of Speech

UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 10 The Parts of Speech

These Solutions are part of UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 10 The Parts of Speech


Change the following words into Abstract Noun :
1. man,
2. friend,
3. boy,
4. brother,
5. teacher,
6. white,
7. child.
1. Manhood,
2. friendship,
3. boyhood,
4. brotherhood,
5. teachership,
6. whiteness,
7. hildhood.


Write kinds of the Noun given below :
1. man, child, furniture, teeth,
2. Ganga, Nainital,
3. army, class, family,
4. gold, milk, oil,
5. honesty, wisdom, kindness, leadership.
1. Man, Child, Furniture, Teeth -(Common Noun)
2. Ganga, Nainital- (Proper Noun)
3. Army, Class, Family – (Collective Noun)
4. Gold, Milk, Oil – ( Uncountable Noun)
5. Wisdom, Honesty, Kindness, Leadership – ( Abstract Noun).


Point out the Nouns in the following sentences :
1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. The crowd was big.
3. The elephant has great strength.
4. The king is just.
5. He gave me a bunch of grapes.
6. Never tell a lie.
7. Wisdom is better than strength.
8. We always speak truth.
9. The boys are playing.
10. We all love honesty.
1. Honesty
2. Crowd
3. Elephant
4. King
5. Bunch
6. Lie
7. Wisdom
8. Truth
9. Boys
10. Honesty.


Correct the following sentences :
1. India won the match by an inning.
2. The cattle is grazing in the field.
3. He bought five dozens oranges.
4. I saw lovely sceneries in Kashmir.
5. I am fond of a music.
6. He gave me severals informations.
7. He has several furnitures.
8. Thanks is due to him.
9. Where is your spectacles?
10. Riches has wings.
1. India won the match.
2. The cattle are grazing in the field.
3. He bought five dozen oranges.
4. I saw lovely scenery in Kashmir.
5. I am fond of music.
6. He gave me many informations.
7. He has many furnitures.
8. Thanks are due to him.
9. Where are your spectacles?
10. Riches have wings.


Point out the Pronouns in the following sentences :
1. I wash my clothes myself.
2. The little boy was weeping because he had lost his school bag.
3. Bring me the letters which the postman left.
4. I saw the old man who had been hurt.
5. Each of the men received a reward.
6. I bought these mangoes for ten paise each.
7. Either of you can go.
8. The prisoner hanged himself.
9. I brush my teeth daily.
10. My brother brought some books. He gave them to me.
11. She has completed her work.
12. Nature has its own plans.
13. While we were in Delhi, we met a very old friend of our there.
14. Trees shed their leaves in Autumn.
15. We whitewashed our house and they whitewashed theirs.
1. I, Myself
2. He, His
3. Me
4. I
5. Each
6. I, These
7. You
8. Himself
9. I, My
10. My, He, Me
11. She, Her
12. Its, Own
13. We, Our
14. Their
15. We, Our, They, Theirs.


Fill in the blanks with suitable Adjectives in the following sentences :
1. She is an ………………………. girl.
2. He has a …………………….. house.
3. He got the……………… prize.
4. This is a very …………………book.
5. There are ……………… boys in the class.
6. He is his …….. master.
7. He died a …………….. death.
8. ………………………. dog has his day.
9. I hate ……………………. things.
10. He lives in a……………………. house.
1. ideal
2. big
3. first
4. interesting
5. five hundred
6. good
7. glorious
8. Every
9. bad
10. beautiful.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate Comparatives or Superlatives to each of the following sentences :
1. Kolkata is the ………………………………. city in India. (big)
2. The pen is …………………………….. than the sword. (mighty)
3. The……… buildings are found in India. (high)
4. Which of the two girls has the …………………………. dress? (dirty)
5. Honour is ……………………… to me than life. (dear)
6. This pen is……………….. than the other.(good)
7. Who is the …………………… boy in your class? (fat)
8. Tulsi is a. ………………. poet than Kabir? (good)
9. Kapil Dev is the ……………. ……………… bowler in India. (fast)
10. He is one of the ………… men in Aligarh. (rich)
1. biggest
2. mightier
3. highest
4. dirtiest
5. dearer
6. better
7. fattest
8. better
9. fastest


Fill in the blanks using either ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ wherever necessary in the following sentences :
1. Do you see …………………… blue sky?
2. He returned after ………………………………… hour.
3. Wisdom is…………….. gift of heaven.
4. I gave him ………………… watch.
5. He told me ………………………………………….. story.
6. A word to…………….. wise is sufficient.
7. He will bathe in …………………………….Ganga.
8. Hindi is…………….. easy language.
9. I saw …………………….. elephant yesterday.
10. ……………… earth moves round……………………..sun.
11. Dr. Hill is ……………………….. European.
12. Everyone likes …………… …………………….. honest man.
13. Rakesh reads in………… university.
14. …………. Sun rises in……………………..east.
15. Birds fly in ……………….. air.
1. the
2. an
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. the
7. the
8. a
9. an
10. The, the
11. an
12. an
13. the
14. The, the
15. the.


Point out the Verb in the following sentences :
1. Tell me the truth.
2. The dog ran after me.
3. Time changes everything.
4. Your book lies on the table.
5. Cocks crow in the morning.
6. The fire burns dimly.
7. The clock ticks all day long.
8. The beggar sat down by the side of the road.
9. He took shelter under the tree.
10. My new watch does not keep good time.
11. The policeman blows his whistle.
12. The birds sing in the green trees.
13. I shall bring my camera with me.
14. The boy lifted the heavy weight.
15. The little bird hopped about and sang.
1. tell
2. ran
3. changes
4. lies
5. crow
6. burns
7. ticks
8. sat
9. took
10. keep
11. blows
12. sing
13. bring
14. lifted
15. hopped.


Insert the given Adverbs in their suitable place in the following sentences :
1. I go for a morning walk. (always)
2. She tells a lie. (never)
3. Will he be there? (still)
4. We should come. (everyday, in the morning)
5. He goes to the cinema.(often)
6. This is not good. (enough)
7. I have completed my work. (already)
8. Rama is a lazy boy. (rather)
9. This book is interesting (very)
10. He has seen a tiger. (never)
1. I always go for a morning.walk.
2. She never tells a lie.
3. Will he still be there?
4. We should come everyday in the morning.
5. He often goes to the cinema.
6. This is not good enough.
7. I have already completed my work.
8. Rama is rather a lazy boy.
9. This book is very interesting.
10. He has never seen a tiger.


Point out the Adverbs in the following sentences :
1. He is much better than he was.
2. He sometimes stays with me in this town.
3. I was very pleased to see her.
4. He is too shy.
5. Try again, you will definitely succeed.
6. He is very rich yet he is much discontented.
7. He went off on Friday. 8. The patient is much worse today.
9. He is too weak to walk properly.
10. Wisdom is too high for a fool.
11. I could not speak, I was so angry.
12. Cut it lengthwise.
13. Your mother is somewhat better.
14. She was dressed all in white.
15. I surely expect him tomorrow.
1. much
2. sometimes
3. very
4. too
5. again
6. yet, much
7. off
8. much
9. properly
10. too
11. so
12. lengthwise
13. somewhat
14. all
15. tomorrow.


Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions in the following sentences :
1. Mohan is ashamed …………… his folly.
2. I have no excuse ……………………………….. coming late.
3. This novel must be written …………………….. tomorrow.
4. Geeta takes pride ….her beauty
5. All the difficulties are result……..his foolishness.
6. The hunter aimed ………………………………. the dove.
7. The accused was charged……….. murder.
8. Children must be respectful…………… their elders.
9. We should not be cruel ………………………. animals.
10. My father reminded me ……………………. my promise.
11. I do not pay attention ………………………………….. my promise.
12. He is wanting……………… common sense.
13. He does not reply ………………….. my letters.
14. My advice proved useful ……………………………….. him.
15. The beggar is short…………… sight.
1. of
2. for
3. by
4. in
5. of
6. at
7. of
8. to
9. to
10. of
11. to
12. in
13. to
14. for
15. of.


Correct the following sentences :
1. Everyone except her sang a song.
2. Nobody but me was able to answer the question.
3. Let it be divided among you and I.
4. Nothing can prevent me to do what I like.
5. Would he not accept of my invitation?
6. Why did you not reply my letter?
7. How can I agree with your proposal?
8. Why should I differ from you?
9. Please write me at you earliest.
10. Can you correct the one to the other?
11. I will prefer death rather than dishonour.
12. Is she ill from fever?
13. He would prefer dying than begging.
14. She was presented with a nice gift.
15. I am not averse to play football.
1. Everyone sang a song except her.
2. Nobody but I was able to answer the question.
3. Let it be divided between you and me.
4. Nothing can prevent me from doing what I like.
5. Would he not accept my invitation?
6. Why did you not reply to my letter?
7. How can I agree to your proposal?
8. Why should I differ with you?
9. Please write to me at your earliest.
10. Can you correct one after the other?
11. I would prefer death to dishonour.
12. Is she ill with fever?
13. He would prefer dying to begging.
14. She was presented a nice gift.
15. I am not averse to playing football.


Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in the brackets in the following sentences :
1. I shall return the pen ……………………. Writing. (for, after, by)
2. I have no intimacy ………………………………. him. (to, with, from)
3. The sun sets…………. the west. (in, into, to)
4. We should not read late …………………. night. (in, at, to)
5. I shall reach there ………………….. 2 p.m. (by, during for)
6. Ghee is made…………….. milk. (out, by, of, from)
7. He recovered …………………………. his illness. (of, from, with)
8. The bamboo is useful ………………. mai(for, to, of)
9. The king sent…………..the old peasant. (with, for, to)
10. The school will remain closed… Diwali. (for,on account of, in)
11. He did the same …….. my repeated requests. (inspite of, instead of)
12. He resigned his post ……………………. his friend.(for, in favour of)
13. Come and sit ……………………………… me. (on, to, near)
14. He was seen ………………………….. the room. (into, in, ai, to)
15. He is true …………….. his word. (with, to, of, on)
1. after
2. to
3. in
4. at
5. by
6. of
7. of
8. for
9. to
10. on account of
11. inspite of
12. in favour of
13. to
14. into
15. with


Point out the Conjunctions in the following sentences :
1. The child is weeping because he is hungry.
2. He is so poor that he cannot buy books.
3. You will not succeed unless you work hard.
4. I waited till the train arrived.
5. He will pass if he reads.
6. He is happy though he is poor.
7. He is richer than I.
8. Tom runs faster than Hari.
9. Do not go before I come.
10. Since you say so, I must believe it.
11. I was sleeping when he came here.
12. The rain fell after we reached home.
13. Catch me if you can.
14. We can travel by land or water.
15. Either you are mistaken or I.
16. Unless you tell me the truth, I shall punish you.
17. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.
18. Is this story true or false?
19. He fled lest he should be killed.
20. If I feel any doubt, I ask.
1. because
2. that
3. unless
4. till
5. if
6. though
7. than
8. than
9. before
10. so
11. when
12. after
13. if
14. by
15. or
16. unless
17. for
18. or
19. lest
20. if.


Fill in the blanks with suitable Co-ordinating Conjunctions in the following sentences :


1. She came here ………………… stayed with me.
2. He is not only hardworking ……….. intelligent.
3. She was ill …………………. she could not go to office.
4. Make haste ……………………… you will miss the train.
5. Do ……………………….. die.
6. Come here…………… go there.
7. Neither Radha ……………………………. Shyama attended the class.
8. Is that story true…………….. false?
9. He is slow ……………………………… he is sure?
10. ………. be a borrower, …………….a lender.
1. and
2. but
3. so
4. unless
5. or
6. or
7. nor
8. or
9. but
10. Neither, nor.


Fill in the blanks with ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ or ‘those’ in the following sentences :
1. ………………. flower is yellow but that flower is red.
2. These books are new but…. books are old.
3. ………………………. boy is crying but……….. ….boy is laughing.
4. Are ………………………… frocks new?
5. ………………. bottles are not empty.
6. I have just purchased …………….
7. ………………. girl is sitting but…………………girl is playing.
8. This bird is big but…… bird is small
9. ……… is the best student of our school.
10. Is ……………… a new building?
11. ………………………….. boy is stronger than Rakesh.
12. ………………… boy is industrious.
13. …………… mangoes are sour.
14. ……………. rascals must be punished.
1. This
2. those
3. This, that
4. these
5. These
6. this
7. This, that
8. that
9. This
10. this
11. This
12. This
13. These
14. This.


Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with ‘my’, ‘our’, ‘your’, ‘his’, ‘her’, ‘its’ or ‘their’:


1. He is writing on ……………….. copy
2. Poonam is going to…………………. school.
3. The horse is shaking ……………………
5. …………….. neck.
4. I will visit ………………………… friend.
5. You should read …. ………………………….. books.
6. Where is ………………………………………. lunch, here is mine?
7. Donkey praises ……………………… own tail.
8. It is ……………… duty to obey……………….elders.
9. They are not at …………………………… house.
10. …………. younger sister lives with you.
11. I saw it with …………….. own eyes.
1. his
2. her
3. his
4. my
5. your
6. his
7. his
8. your, their
9. their
10. Your
11. my.


Fill in the blanks with ‘few’, ‘a few’ or ‘the few’ in the following sentences :


1. …… cities in India have public libraries.
2. ……………….. persons can keep a secret.
3. …………… Words spoken in earnest will convinc
4. …………… friends, he has, are all very poor.
5. ……………. works of reference are so.
6. ……………. public libraries, that we have, are not well equipped.
7. ……………. days, rest is all that is needed.
8. It is a question of spending ……………………. rupees.
9. When I met him ………… years after, he looked old and haggard.
10. …………………..Americans have their offices in Kolkata.
11. …………………. women can keep a secret.
12. ……………. Hindus can understand Malyalam.
13. ……………. men are free from criticism.
14. ……… clothes they had, were all tattered and torn.
1. Few
2. Few
3. The few
4. The few
5. Few
6. A few
7. Few
8. the few
9. few
10. The few
11. Few
12. Few
13. The few
14. Few.


Fill in the blanks with ‘a little’, ‘little’ or ‘the little’ in the following sentences :


1. There is ………………………………….. hope of his recovery.
2. …… information he had, was not quite reliable.
3. ………………. learning is a dangerous thing.
4. ………………… care could have prevented the accident.
5. …………………………… precaution is necessary to prevent the diseases.
6. ……………….. influence that he has, he uses to the best advantage.
7. He showed ……………………… concern for his friend.
8. …………….. knowledge of grammar, that he posessed, stood him in good stead.
9. …………….. food, they had, was taken away by the dogs.
10. Radha spent……………. money, she had.
1. a little
2. little
3. Little
4. A little
5. A little
6. The little
7. a little
8. Little
9. The little
10. a little.

We hope the UP Board Solutions for Class 9 English Grammar Chapter 10 The Parts of Speech  help you.